I'm on a plane! More importantly though, I'm on a plane home. I've had a massive few weeks and I'm now just hours away from getting home and seeing my family which makes me enormously happy. I thought I'd record this in-flight from London to Dubai for something different (although unsurprisingly, sound quality suffers) and I've just published it from the lounge here in the UAE (where my VPN is blocked...)
I've still done a heap since the last update though, packing out the time with travel, another workshop and a couple of conferences. Here's what I've been up to:
- Risky Business talks to Mustafa Al-Bassam (this is Tflow of LulzSec infamy - waylaid kid turned good)
- Reddit talk about how useful HIBP is (and people suddenly realise how far their data has been spread)
- I get some pretty nasty abuse online sometimes...
(Troy McMooeyMcBaaBalls: woof OFF TROY. YOU'RE JUST A quack WHO THINKS HE KNOWS ABOUT SECURITY. STOP RIPPING OFF PEOPLES CONTENT AND woof OFF. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR USELESS FACE AT CONFERENCES. STAY THE woof AT HOME AND ROT. Grrrrr.) - Sucuri is sponsoring this week's blog (give them a click, they're helping keep this an ad-free zone!)