Now this office is starting to look good! New wallpaper is in and brackets for the shelf are ready, just waiting for it to be made and fitted now. Oh - I mentioned a sound absorbing material that'll go up the wall in front of me and the ceiling - here's what'll it'll look like:
Awesome 😎 I'm going to share a heap more photos later on as things feel more finalised. For now, here's this week's vid:
- The RØDE VideoMic ME-L is just absolutely terrible (I've submitted a form, let's see what happens)
- I've bought an Ergotron Neo-Flex to wall-mount my ultrawide monitor (this will sit it really flush to the wall)
- Add to that a couple of Ergotron LX wall mount arms for the 27" wide screens (that'll get them off the desk and position them in the right spots next to the ultrawide)
- There's also an Elgato wall mount for the camera (thus completing my "get the stuff off the desk" goal)
- Is the CoinMarketCap "breach" actually a breach? (IMHO, yes)
- I was getting some nasty banding on my GitHub commit history print (still blaming the filament and / or humidity, I'll know for sure soon)
- Pwned - the book - is out in preview and getting heaps of feedback (we'd love to hear yours too, grab it now for free!)