This one is a real short intro as right now, it hurts to type (copy and paste is earlier 😊): I’m Back at a *REAL* Conference; Dealing with RSI; Shellies and MQTT; My IoT Aircon Hack; Drowning in Data Breaches.
- I've been at a real conference this week, with people and all! (that's a tweet with pics of the environment)
- I've also been dealing with some pretty unpleasant RSI (link to the blog post on my ergonomic setup, do invest early in this folks)
- My automated IoT aircon integration is complete! (yes, it's a little mechanical arm pushing a button but it works beautifully 😎)
- What you see on the HIBP timeline is only a tiny slice of the data breaches I'm presently dealing with (I still need to find a way to make this more sustainable)
- Sponsored by: SecurityFWD. A brand new YouTube show from Varonis. Watch Episode 1: How Far can Wi-Fi Travel?