I'm back into a normal home routine and it's business as usual again. You know, stuff like data breaches, new tech toys and having your genitalia locked in an vulnerable IoT device and held for ransom. Just normal stuff like that 😳
- Turing Tumble is a really neat game for kids (it's a "marble powered computer")
- I bought a LaMetric display (I'll probably plug that into an API to track HIBP subscriber signups)
- Imagine an IoT chastity belt... with a security vulnerability... that locks your equipment in place and demands a ransom... (and it's not the weirdest thing to happen so far in 2021...)
- Ubiquiti had a data breach that looks like it's impacted a lot of customers (their messaging around the incident hasn't been great, and it's something I've pushed them on)
- Sponsored by: 1Password is a secure password manager and digital wallet that keeps you safe online