
Weekly update 18 (McLaren edition)

How's this for a spot to be?! This week I'm at the McLaren factory in Woking just outside London courtesy of a kind invite from a friendly Twitter follower. On Sunday, I was shown around some great spots in London by another one and as I've said before, I've only ever had good things come from meeting people "in real life" that I've interacted with online. Highly recommended!

Not a lot to talk about in terms of new content I've written, but I give a rundown on the NDC conference, the new Pluralsight course I'm creating and the significant changes the industry is seeing with the rapid adoption of HTTPS. I also touch on the privacy issues of using luggage tracking tech "Tile". That and more in the podcast and video below.

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  1. The McLaren Technology Centre (no, not directly tech-related, but a stunningly modern location and this video shows the things I couldn't photograph myself)
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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals