
Weekly update

A 438-post collection

Weekly Update 402

What a week! It was Ticketmaster that consumed the bulk of my time this week with the media getting themselves into a bit of a frenzy over a data breach that at the time of recording, still hadn't even been confirmed. But as predicted in the video, confirmation came late on a Friday arvo and since that time we've learned a lot more about just how bad the situation is. I'm going to save that discussion for Weekly Update 403 and between the time of writing this and going live, I'm sure we'll learn...

Weekly Update 401

Ah, episode 401, the unauthorised one! Ok, that was terrible, but what's not terrible is finally getting some serious dev resources behind HIBP. I touch on it in the blog post but imagine all the different stuff I have to spread myself across to run this thing, and how much time is left for actual coding. By welcoming Stefan to the team we're not doubling or tripling or even quadrupling the potential dev hours, it's genuinely getting close to 10x. That's exciting, and it will result in both foun...

Weekly Update 400

This is the 400th time I've sat down in front of the camera and done one of these videos. Every single week since the 23rd of September in 2016 regardless of location, health, stress and all sorts of other crazy things that have gone on in my life for nearly the last 8 years now, I've done a video. As with so many of the things I create, these are as much for me as they are for you; doing these videos every week has given me a regular cadence amidst some pretty crazy times. I've written before a...

Weekly Update 399

The Post Millennial breach in this week's video is an interesting one, most notably because of the presence of the mailing lists. Now, as I've said in every piece of communication I've put out on this incident, the lists are what whoever defaced the site said TPM had and they certainly posted that data in the defacement message, but we're yet to hear a statement from the company itself. Taking it at face value, where does their responsibility lie as it relates to individuals in this data set? I...

Weekly Update 398

How many different angles can you have on one data breach? Facial recognition (which probably isn't actual biometrics), gambling, offshore developers, unpaid bills, extortion, sloppy password practices and now, an arrest. On pondering it more after today's livestream, it's the unfathomable stupidity of publishing this data publicly that really strikes me. By all means, have contractual disputes, get lawyers involved and showdown in the courts if you need to, but take data in this fashion and chu...

Weekly Update 397

Banks. They screw us on interest rates, they screw us on fees and they screw us on passwords. Remember the old "bank grade security" adage? I took this saying to task almost a decade ago now but it seems that at least as far as password advice goes, they really haven't learned. This week, Commbank is telling people to use a password manager but just not for their bank password, and ANZ bank is forcing people to rotate their passwords once a year because, uh, hackers? Ah well, as I always end up...

Weekly Update 396

"More Data Breaches Than You Can Shake a Stick At". That seems like a reasonable summary and I suggest there are two main reasons for this observation. Firstly, there are simply loads of breaches happening and you know this already because, well, you read my stuff! Secondly, There are a couple of Twitter accounts in particular that are taking incidents that appear across a combination of a popular clear web hacking forum and various dark web ransomware websites and "raising them to the surface",...

Weekly Update 395

Data breach verification: that seems like a good place to start given the discussion in this week's video about Accor. Watch the vid for the whole thing but in summary, data allegedly taken from Accor was published to a popular hacking forum and the headlines inevitably followed. However, per that story: Cybernews couldn’t confirm the authenticity of the data. We reached out to Accor for clarification and are awaiting a response. I couldn't confirm the authenticity of the data either and I wro...

Weekly Update 394

I suggest, based on my experiences with data breaches over the years, that AT&T is about to have a very bad time of it. Class actions following data breaches have become all too common and I've written before about how much I despise them. The trouble for AT&T (in my non-legal but "hey, I'm the data breach guy" opinion), will be their denial of a breach in 2021 and the subsequent years in which tens of millions of social security numbers were floating around. As much as it's hard for the victim...

Weekly Update 393

A serious but not sombre intro this week: I mentioned at the start of the vid that I had the classic visor hat on as I'd had a mole removed from my forehead during the week, along with another on the back of my hand. Here in Australia, we have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world with apparently about two-thirds of us being diagnosed with it before turning 70. At present, the bits they cut off me were entirely unremarkable (small dot about an inch over my left eye if you're reall...