
Weekly update

A 421-post collection

Weekly update 10

This has been a mega week with a couple of pretty contentious blog posts which frankly, are the best kind! It gets so boring when everyone just nods and agrees... But seriously, the one on ad blockers in particular shows just what a mess we've gotten ourselves into and the "ban all the ads (or anything that has even a sniff of an ad)" proponents are a big part of the problem. I talk about it in detail in the video though so here it is, along with all the podcasts too: iTunes podcast [https://i...

Weekly update 9

Lots on this week and I'm very happy to have finally got myself organised and set up an audio podcast feed. It's getting a heap of downloads already so obviously, people did actually want it and frankly, I'm sorry I didn't get it organised earlier! That and much more in this week's update iTunes podcast [] | Google Play Music podcast [

My weekly updates are now available as an audio podcast

I've been doing the weekly updates [] for a couple of months now and by all accounts, they've been very well-received. One of the early pieces of feedback I got though was that I should also publish them as an audio podcast so that people can listen to them in the car or while doing whatever else it is that people do while listening to syndicated content via the likes of iTunes. Yesterday I finally got around to getting all this setup by using the Omn...

Weekly update 8 (backyard edition)

Let's get this out of the way early - I did not shoot this video on a green screen! When I first watched it, I couldn't believe how amazing the picture quality was and the first thought I had when I saw it was the green screen one. The new iPhone 7 Plus is a major part of that, but I got out early when it was quiet and got the light just right too. I posted a still to Twitter earlier today and someone asked what lighting I use. Uh, "the sun", that is all. Anyway, a bunch of things worth discuss...

Weekly update 7 (South Stradbroke Island edition)

Apparently, after doing several weekly updates from different locations across the globe, last week's one from my home office was rather boring. Now maybe that was just a noisy minority saying that, I don't know, but I thought I'd test the theory and this week I headed out on jet ski to one of my favourite little island spots. I still got all the same content in, albeit from a more interesting spot. If you love or hate this approach, let me know, I'm still seeing what resonates and what doesn't...

Weekly update 6

I'm home! Ideally, I'd be home recovering from travel but it hasn't quite worked out that way, particularly with the Red Cross Blood Service having a massive data leak. I blogged abut that in some detail yesterday, but I wanted to talk about it in this week's update video and give some more context as to what went on and why I made some of the decisions I did. Plus, there's the mega-trip wrap up, a quick preview of some upcoming stuff on my Ubiquiti network setup and my thoughts on how the web i...

Weekly update 5 (A380 edition)

I'm on a plane! More importantly though, I'm on a plane home. I've had a massive few weeks and I'm now just hours away from getting home and seeing my family which makes me enormously happy. I thought I'd record this in-flight from London to Dubai for something different (although unsurprisingly, sound quality suffers) and I've just published it from the lounge here in the UAE (where my VPN is blocked...) I've still done a heap since the last update though, packing out the time with travel, an...

Weekly update 4 (Tower Bridge edition)

Another week in another faraway place. Since the last update in Edinburgh I've spent a couple of days in Glasgow, a couple of days in the middle of that in Speyside, a couple of days in Copenhagen then a few nights in London. That's put me a day behind when I would have liked to have published this post but hey, not bad all things considering I reckon, especially given the spot I found to records it: References 1. You might end up on a SAN cert with "unexpected" neighbours [https://www.tro...

Weekly update 3 (Edinburgh edition)

Given this thing seems to have some traction and people are enjoying them, I'm going to keep these weekly update videos going. As I mentioned last week though, I'm now travelling so that makes this one a little bit different. I was in Edinburgh yesterday when I recorded this (I'm now in Glasgow), and I actually reckon it turned out kinda neat. Bit shorter (it's not as easy doing this standing around in the wind and the crowds), but hopefully still enjoyable: References 1. Why I particularly l...

Weekly update 2

So much to my surprise (honestly, I really didn't expect it), the weekly update I did last week [] was actually quite popular. People seem to like the short, casual form and it sounds like they're happy either sitting down and watching it or just listening to it in the background. Actually, the most common piece of feedback I received was that they wanted it in podcast form as well so I'm working on getting that out too. I'll be travelling in Europe for...