
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 133

Wow, a weekly update back on the normal schedule! I also realised when watching this back how less tired I look compared to the last few weeks. Travel takes its toll so I touched on that a bit in this week's update, along with the usual raft of new data breaches to go into HIBP. Plus there's Facebook's incidents, both the one they're not directly responsible for and the one they are responsible for, but is also both a bit of a non-event and something that's reflective of broader issues in the in...

Weekly Update 132

From last week's update in Seattle to home to Sydney to back home and a late update (again). But regardless, I'm committed to continuing the cadence of doing these updates each week and 132 of them in, I'm yet to miss a week. This week it's a combination of more of the same (travel, events and data breaches), as well as more thoughts on the future of HIBP and Cloudflare's role when it comes to nasty content online. That last one in particular is a really tricky discussion and it's one that tend...

Weekly Update 131

So firstly, sorry for the audio quality. I'm pretty damn frustrated with those Instamics right now between the flakey firmware upgrade process and the unexpected loss of recording today. I'll make sure I get on top of it for next time. I'm sitting at the gate in Seattle right now about to board so I'm going to cut this intro short and jump straight into the vid. Here's this week's which has a bunch of different things in it I found interesting including the usual raft of data breaches and other...

Weekly Update 130

Well that was a hell of a week of travel. Seriously, the Denver situation was just an absolute mess but when looking at the video from the day I was meant to fly in, maybe being stuck in LA wasn't such a bad thing after all: > As of 1:30 p.m., all runways are closed, but the terminal & concourses are open. Airlines have cancelled flights for early afternoon/evening. Conditions on Peña Blvd. are poor; visibility is extremely low, conditions are icy. Consider the @RideRTD [

Weekly Update 129

Heaps of stuff going on this week with all sorts of different bits and pieces. I bought a massive new stash of HIBP stickers (1ok oughta last... a few weeks?), I'll be giving them out at a heap of upcoming events, I was on the Darknet Diaries podcast (which is epic!) plus there's more insights into the ShareThis data breach and the ginormous incident. Oh - and Udemy is still pirating my content, here's the tweet if you'd like to let them know how you feel about that: > Disguste...

Weekly Update 128

I'm not intentionally pushing these out later than usual, but events have just been such over the last few weeks that it's worked out that way. This one really is a short one though as there hasn't been a lot of newsworthy stuff going on this week, other than the new Instamics I picked up which are rather cool. The audio recording did work well (I mentioned in the video I wasn't sure if it was functioning correctly), and it's pretty damn good quality for what it is. Certainly better than my old...

Weekly Update 127

It was another travel week so another slightly delayed weekly update, but still plenty of stuff going on all the same. Along with a private Sydney workshop earlier on, I'm talking about some free upcoming NDC meetup events in Brisbane and Melbourne and I'd love to get a great turnout for. I've just ordered 10k more HIBP stickers to last me through upcoming events so they'll be coming with me. In other news, there was old news appearing as new news about how hosed you are if your machine is comp...

Weekly Update 126

Another week, another conference. This time it was Microsoft Ignite in Sydney and as tends to happen at these events, many casual meetups, chats, beers, selfies, delivery of HIBP stickers and an all-round good time, albeit an exhausting one. That's why I'm a day late this week having finally arrived home late last night. Moving on though, I've got a bunch of other events coming up particularly in conjunctions with the folks at NDC. Brisbane in a couple of weeks, Gold Coast in April then Minneso...

Weekly Update 125

I'm back home! It was an amazing trip in many ways, not least of which was the time it gave both Scott and myself to reflect on workload and managing lives which can be a bit of a never-ending series of commitments. To that effect, I've been backing off Twitter a bit and as I say in this update, I very quickly remembered why after a couple of short engagements yesterday. But moving forward, it's Microsoft Ignite in Sydney next week and that should be a great event, plus I'm talking about Google'...

Weekly Update 124

I'm pumping this weekly update out a little bit later, pushing it just before I get on the plane back home to Australia. I've just wrapped up a week in London with Scott doing all things NDC [] including a couple of days of workshops and a couple of talks each. We discuss that, and how the UK seems to have an odd infatuation with doing anything that could even remotely be deemed a health and safety risk. On a more serious note, we talk about the emotional toll of the thin...