
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 143

Well this was a big one. The simple stuff first - I'm back in Norway running workshops and getting ready for my absolute favourite event of the year, NDC Oslo. I'm also talking about Scott's Hack Yourself First UK Tour where he'll be hitting up Manchester, London and Glasgow with public workshops. Tickets are still available at those and it'll be your last chance for a long time to do that event in the UK. Then there's Project Svalbard. I think it'll come across in the video below, but putting...

Weekly Update 142

I made it to the Infosecurity hall of fame! Yesterday was an absolutely unreal experience that was enormously exciting: > It was an absolute honour to induct the fantastic @troyhunt [] into the @Infosecurity [] @InfosecurityMag [] Hall of Fame today at #Infosec19 []. Troy is a...

Weekly Update 141

Another week, another conference. This time, Scott and I have just wrapped up the AusCERT event which is my local home town conference (I can literally see my house from Scott's balcony). We're talking about the event, upcoming ones, Scott's Hack Yourself First UK tour, some funky default values in EV certs and then we head off down a rabbit hole of 2FA and people getting fired for failing simulated phishing tests. Next one from London next week! [

Weekly Update 140

I'm a day and a half behind with this week's update again - sorry! Thursday and Friday were solid with training in Melbourne so I recorded Saturday and am pushing this out in the early hours of Sunday before going wakeboarding - is that work / life balance? But there's been a hell of a lot going on, particularly around HIBP and I'll be talking a lot more about that in the weeks to come. For now, I did actually get a post out this week and also found myself in a rather unexpected debate about pa...

Weekly Update 139

Per the beginning of the video, it's out late, I'm jet lagged, all my clothes are dirty and I've had to raid the conference swag cupboard to even find a clean t-shirt. But be that as it may, I'm yet to miss one of these weekly vids in the 2 and a half years I've been doing them and I'm not going to start now! So with that very short intro done, here's this week's and I'll try and be a little more on the ball for the next one. [

Weekly Update 138

After a mammoth 30-hour door-to-door journey, I'm back in the USA! It's Minnesota this week and I've just wrapped up a couple of days of Hack Yourself First workshop followed by the opening keynote at NDC followed by PubConf. All great events but combined with the burden of travel, all a bit tiring too (plus, it turns out that emails don't stop coming in when you're busy...) There's a real crypto theme to this week's update courtesy of some of the contents in my keynote, a really ridiculous arti...

Weekly Update 137

It's the last one from home for a few weeks, both for Scott and myself. Whilst I head off to the US for a couple of weeks, he's back home to the UK before other Europe travel then we'll both end up back on the Gold Coast in a few weeks time before the AusCERT conference. This week, we're talking about how kids are so good at circumventing things like parental controls and how maybe - just maybe - talking to your kids and using some social techniques is a better (or at least complimentary) appro...

Weekly Update 136

Scott is still here with me on the Gold Coast lapping up the sunshine before NDC Security next week so I thought we'd do this week's video next to the palm trees and jet ski ? But, of course, there's still a heap of stuff happening that's worthy of discussion, everything from the UK gov's NCSC doing good work to the Reply All podcast I was on this week to new data breaches to the ongoing shenanigans involving kids "smart" watches. And oh boy, the communications strategies of a couple of these in...

Weekly Update 135

It's another episode with Scott Helme this week as he's back in town for NDC Security on the Gold Coast [] (still a got a week to get those tickets, folks!) The timing actually works out pretty well as there was this week's announcement around Let's Encrypt transition of their root cert which is right up his alley. There's also the whole TicTokTrack kids watch situation which aligns very well with many of both our prior experience. And just on that, when we recorded th...

Weekly Update 134

That's the second update in a row I've done on time! It's also another one with a bunch of other things in common with last week, namely commentary on yet more data breaches. It's not just the breaches in HIBP, but the ones I'm busily trying to disclose. This is really sucking a lot of time right now and frankly, well, I summed it up here earlier in the week: > Currently going through the process with 4 breach disclosures. 3 of them I just can’t get a response from and the one I can really does...