
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 153

Australia! Sunshine, good coffee and back in the water on the tail end of "winter". I'm pretty late doing this week's video as the time has disappeared rather quickly and I'm making the most of it before the next round of events. Be that as it may, there's a bunch of new stuff this week not least of which is the unexpected limit I hit with the Azure API Management consumption tier. I explain the problem in this video along with a bunch of other infosec related bits. I'll do another one from Aus...

Weekly Update 152

I made it out of Vegas! That was a rather intense 8 days and if I'm honest, returning to the relative tranquillity of Oslo has been lovely (not to mention the massive uptick in coffee quality). But just as the US to Europe jet lag passes, it's time to head back to Aus for a bit and go through the whole cycle again. And just on that, I've found that diet makes a hell of a difference in coping with this sort of thing: > The number one most effective way I’ve found for coping with jet lag, stress,...

Weekly Update 151

Well that's Vegas done. 8 days of absolutely non-stop events that's now pretty much robbed me of my voice but hey, I got a flying cow! Scott and I both spent BSides, Black Hat and DEF CON doing "hallway con" or in other words, wandering around just meeting people. The personal engagement you get from these ad hoc meetups really can't be beat and I appreciate everyone who took the time to come over and say hi. Just a sample of our week is below: > Approaching a week of @BSidesLV [https://twitter...

Weekly Update 150

Vegas! I'm a bit late with this week's update but I thought I'd catch up with Scott Helme and do the video together. We're talking about the events in Vegas, the ongoing Project Svalbard process, some very screwy messaging about certificates from Sectigo and the Irish government coming on board HIBP. Next week we'll do another one from Vegas and talk about what the events of the week here were like. [] [https://pl...

Weekly Update 149

What. A. Week. I've been in San Fran meeting with a whole bunch of potential purchasers for HIBP and it's been... intense. Daunting. Exciting. It's actually an amazing feeling to see my "little" project come to this where I'm sitting in a room with some of the most awesome tech companies whilst flanked by bankers in suits. I try and give a bit of insight into that in this week's video, keeping in mind of course that I'm a bit limited by how much detail I can go into right now. As the process un...

Weekly Update 148

It's the last one from Norway before heading off to the US and diving into the deep end of the Project Svalbard [] pool followed by Black Hat and DEF CON in Vegas. That's off the back of the last week being focused on pushing out Pwned Passwords V5, loading several hundred million new records worth of new data breaches and finally launching something I've been very excited about for a long time now: auth on the HIBP API. I...

Weekly Update 147

So "Plan A" was to publish Pwned Passwords V5 on Tuesday but a last-minute check showed control characters had snuck in due to the quality (or lack thereof) of the source data. Scratch that and go to "Plan B" which was to push them out today but a last-minute check showed that my "improved" export script had screwed up the encoding and every single hash was wrong. "Plan C" is now to push them out on the weekend with everything working correctly. Hopefully. If I don't screw anything up again......

Weekly Update 146

After a very non-stop Cyber Week in Israel, I'm back in Oslo working through the endless emails and other logistics related to Project Svalbard []. In my haste this week, I put out a really poorly worded tweet which I've tried to clarify in this week's video. On more positive news, the Austrian government came on board HIBP and my MVP status got renewed for the 9th time. I also wanted to talk this week about some of the st...

Weekly Update 145

Something totally new this week - Israel! I spent the week in Tel Aviv at Cyber Week [], a massive infosec conference where I shared the keynote stage with an amazing array of speakers [] including many from three letter acronym departments and even PM Benjamin Netanyahu. It's funny how on the one hand an event like this can be so completely different to the very familiar NDC Oslo scene I was in just last week yet by the same t...

Weekly Update 144

So first things first - my patience for the Instamics [] we're wearing just reached zero. One of them recorded and one of them didn't which means we've had to fallback to audio captured by the iPhone I was recording from so apologies it's sub-par. I ended up just uploading the unedited clip direct from the phone because frankly, after trying to recover the non-existent audio both my time and patience were well into the red. Be that as it may, there's video, audio and a narr...