
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 173

I really should have started the video about 3 minutes earlier. Had I done that, you'd have caught me toppling backwards into the frangipani tree whilst trying to position my chair and camera which frankly, would have made for entertaining viewing. Instead, this week's update is focused primarily on a completely different epic fail, namely Surebet247's handling of a breach impacting their customers. I chose those words carefully as it now seems almost certain the breach was actually of BtoBet an...

Weekly Update 172

I couldn't get 2 days into the new decade without having to deal with ridiculous password criteria from Tik Tok followed by my phone automatically associating with what it thought was my washing machine whilst in a grocery store on the other side of the world (yep, you read that correctly). It somehow seems to just be reflective of how crazy online security is becoming in the modern era. On the plus side, Chrome is making some really positive changes to how it handles cookies so it's not all bad...

Weekly Update 171

Sitting down to do this one today I thought it would be brief, turns out a bit more ended up on the agenda than I expected. The GoGetSSL bit in particular was unfolding as I recorded and to their credit, they later apologised for their "rude messages" [] which is a good sign. I still intend to finish writing up the blog post because the issues they've raised need tackling, but as with the Sophos example I also talk about, it's good to see a...

Weekly Update 170

Monday: 40C and lapping up the Gold Coast sunshine. Wednesday: -8C and lapping up... Juicy IPA []! I'm back in Oslo and catching up with the locals including running a roundtable discussion for CSOs at Microsoft, visiting the Norwegian National Cyber Security Centre ( recently onboarded to HIBP []) and chatting with Forbrukerrådet, the Norwegian Consumer Counsel. Plus, there's an all new...

Weekly Update 169

I recorded this right before heading out for my final conference talk of the year at YOW! Melbourne where I was due to do the closing keynote of the event. That's now done, questions answered and beers drunk and I left the event feeling great. One of the things I get the most pleasure out of at conferences is hanging around talking to people so a big thanks to everyone who made the time today to stay back on a Friday evening and cap a very busy year of conferences off in this fashion. I'm going...

Weekly Update 168

I'm presently on the YOW! conference tour which means doing the same keynote three times over in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. It's my first time back at YOW! since 2015 and it's always a nice way to wrap up the year, especially the Brisbane leg I'm on at the moment in my home state. That's kept me busy, but it's some tweets last week that have kept me entertained so I'm talking about those as well as some reflections on what is now 6 years of running HIBP. Next update I'll try and push out a...

Weekly Update 167

It's summer! Yes, I know it's back to front for many of you but Dec 1 means it's sunnier than ever here. Regardless, this week I've been at DDD in Brisbane, written my 10 year old son Ari and I running kids coding clubs in Oslo (cold) and London (rainy) next month and the Swiss gov being on-boarded onto HIBP. Plus there's this week's sponsor IVPN and how tracking ain't tracking (that may be a bit of an old Aussieism []). Next week I'll come to you from...

Weekly Update 166

Kangaroos! I've been trying to line these guys up for weeks to no avail but finally, they've delivered. Speaking of delivering, I actually got 3 blog posts out this week which I've not done for a while, the most significant of which relates to "data enrichment" companies (also often referred to as "data aggregators"). I have a fundamental issue with the very premise of how these firms operate and I'm getting a little sick of finding my own data in there. Have a listen and see what you think, but...

Weekly Update 165

Yes, I'm in my car. I'm completely disorganised, rushing to the next event and really didn't plan this very well. But hey, what an awesome little soundproof booth it is! That said, I did keep this week deliberately concise... until I went to edit it and then Adobe Premiere (or the NVIDIA drivers on my laptop) decided to turn a 16 minute video clip into a multi-hour shit-fight. That's before the multi-hour upload process too because "Australia" ? [

Weekly Update 164

It's a late, early in the day, hazy, bush-firey Aussie weekly update with a whole bunch of various bits and pieces of interest from throughout the week. The references below will give you a sense of how much I've jammed into this week so I won't repeat it all here in the intro, but I reckon it's a really interesting mix of different things across the industry. Enjoy ? [] [