
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 194

It's a total mixed bag this week with a couple of new blog posts thrown in to boot. An award at an event nobody could attend, a SQL injection pattern in an HIBP email that wiped an entire DB, a disinformation campaign by "Anonymous" amidst a tumultuous time in the US and another freaking massive breach (with me in it) that I simply can't attribute. So yeah, life remains pretty unpredictable then 🙂 [] [https://pla...

Weekly Update 193

First time back in a restaurant! Wandering down my local dining area during the week, I was rather excited to see a cafe that wasn't just open, but actually had spare seating. Being limited to only 10 patrons at present, demand is well in excess of supply and all you have to do is leave some contact info in case someone else in the restaurant tests positive at a later date. Fair enough too, yet somehow - still beyond my comprehension - there was a bunch of outrage expressed at the necessity to p...

Weekly Update 192

Hey, check out that haircut! And shirt! It's almost like I'm a professional again 😊 Come Monday, schools here return as usual so I figured it was time for both my son and I to head to the barber. Other events of the day had me sprucing up to a level I don't think I've seen since Feb and I've gotta say, it's actually kind of nice. If only I had somewhere I could actually go out to... In other news, the “db8151dd” breach consumed a bunch of time this week, but at least publishing that ultimately...

Weekly Update 191

I think I'm going to stick with the live weekly update model for the foreseeable future. It makes life so much easier when it comes to editing, rendering and uploading and it means I always have something out on time. So, that's that, other news this week is mostly just bits and pieces here and there and some banter with the audience and that's just fine, it's nice having a quieter week sometimes 😊 [] [https://pl...

Weekly Update 190

I went with the "just record it live" approach again this week and honestly, it's working out much better for me. It's easier to publish (no manual retrieval of audio and video from devices, no editing in Premier, no waiting for upload) and doing it in my office gets almost the same audio and video quality as the "old" way anyway. Plus, I get to interact with people whilst recording so all in all, I'm pretty happy with this approach. Let me know how you find it and if you have any suggestions fo...

Weekly Update 189

Last week, I got the vid out a day late and by early afternoon today it looked like I was heading the same way. So, for the first time I ended up just live streaming it direct to YouTube. I actually quite liked the interaction, although I picked the quietest time in the day with most of the world asleep and obviously the audio quality wasn't the same as sitting in my office but still, not a bad end result I reckon. I decided to sit outside on the boat as in just a few hours from now, our restri...

Weekly Update 188

It's a day late because somehow, even in the current climate, I still find myself with a lot on my plate and the 2am getup yesterday morning didn't leave me much like talking by the usual time I'd record this video came around. Regardless, I haven't missed a week yet and I wasn't going to start today! No great single stories of significance this week but I thought I'd share some insights into how life is gradually returning to a new kind of normal here. We've fared exceptionally well in Australi...

Weekly Update 187

Spiders! Ok, not your normal start to a weekly update but yeah, we had a bit of an infestation this week which did take the mind of other current events for a while. Much of what's happened beyond that this week has resulted in various tweet storms; the Zoom credential stuffing situation, the Coronavirus tracking app (holy cow that has some "robust" debate around it) and the (seemingly endless) thread of progress as I build up my Ubiquiti network. All that and more in the vid below ? [https://i...

Weekly Update 186

Somehow this week's update ended up being 55 minutes, largely because of playing with a bunch of the new network gear and unboxing a pretty snazzy looking rack from 4Cabling []. I get through with that then sit by the pool for the rest of this week's update. (And yes, I shaved!) Incidentally, there's some audio clipping occurring after I sit by the pool. I've tweaked the levels a bit at that point to try and compensate, still not quite sure what happened but hopefull...

Weekly Update 185

I actually lost track of what week it was at the start of this video. Did I do the Aussie workshops last week? Or the week before? I know I was at home so... it's just all becoming a blur. But be that as it may, life marches on and this week like every other one before it was full of interesting cyber-things. I find the situation with Zoom in particular quite fascinating, particularly the willingness - even eagerness - that so many seem to have to throw the very tool that's bringing so many peop...