
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 204

It's an extra early one this week and on review, I do look a bit... dishevelled! I run through a whole bunch of things from this week's Twitter timeline and there's some great audience questions this week too so thanks very much everyone for the engagement. Next we'll do it at the other end of the day again and I'm sure there'll be a heap of new stuff to cover before then. [] [

Weekly Update 203

What. A. Week. I've been absolutely non-stop publishing data breaches to HIBP whilst simultaneously putting in place the framework to start advising NordVPN on their cybers and open sourcing the HIBP code base at the same time (and a bunch of other more boring stuff that didn't make the cut). That's all explained in this week's update so I won't drill further into it here, there's obviously a couple of big announcements so if you have any questions, drop them in the comments below and I'll eithe...

Weekly Update 202

Unfortunately, our run of good luck here down in Aus has taken a bit of a turn COVID wise. Not so much in my home state, but the southern states have been copping it so this week, I pulled the pin on snowboarding. For folks overseas, that might sound like it would have been a risky proposition anyway, but only two and a half weeks ago the entire state of New South Wales had 5 active cases [] out of 8.1M people. Today it's 209. It's neighbouri...

Weekly Update 201

I love this setup! A huge amount of research went into this but the PC, screens, cameras lights and all the other bits are working really well together. I did my first interview with this setup today and I think I'm actually going to be sticking with the mood lighting for most on-video events now: > Fun @InfosecWhiskey [] interview this morning. I’m running with this lighting setup, just a couple of Hue Go lights and the screens, a beautifu...

Weekly Update 200

I made it to 200! And look at that picture quality too 😎 I'm streaming in 1080p rather than 4K and that's absolutely fine for content like this. I've finally gotten on top of the camera setup and the Elgato HDMI dongle to allow the camera to be seen as a webcam over HDMI. I really want to write this up in detail for next week's update because with the new PC as well, I'm super happy with how this all works together. I'll try and put aside a day early next week to get on top of that one but for...

Weekly Update 199

Wow! Loving that 4K camera 😎 Or perhaps more specifically, just loving that camera and lens and I reckon it'll still be awesome in 1080p. But this week, I decided to go all out in super hi-def just to see how it looked. The captured video was 13.1GB but rendered down at 2.3GB out of Premiere so it's obviously applied some compression, but still looks amazing IMHO. Next week I'll do a full run through of the new setup which I'll finally be able to do because just as I finished recording today, t...

Weekly Update 198

Well, no surprises here: this week's update is dominated by Thursday's blog post about sustaining performance under extreme stress. The feedback on that post has been absolutely phenomenal; tweets, comments, DMs, emails, phone calls, all enormously supportive. Many of them also shared people's own personal struggles, ones which I think we all know are out there but it's a very different thing to actually hear it from someone personally. Thank you everyone who chimed in on this discussion and off...

Weekly Update 197

I'm literally surrounded by broken pieces of half finished repairs. My office is usually a pretty organised place so it's kinda frustrating, but then I'm replacing equipment that's seen up to a decade or more of solid use so that's not a bad run. Amidst all that, I've well and truly gone down the IoT rabbit hole with all sorts of bits now connected through Home Assistant (just understanding the basics of this is actually one of those draft blog posts I mentioned). All that, the usual data breach...

Weekly Update 196

All my things are breaking 😭 Mic broke, PC broke, boat shed handle broke, fridges (both of them) broke, fireplace broke, roof broke... and that's just the stuff I could remember in the live stream. But in happier news, listening back to that video now I'm really happy with the audio quality of the new mic and I reckon that once the pop filter is installed the sound will be spot on. Hopefully that'll be in place for next week's update, along with replacements for the other broken things! Let's s...

Weekly Update 195

This week's update had a bunch of people drop by and discussion tended to jump around a bit, but frankly it's kinda nice to have some interaction in an era where we're not really doing as much of that any more. The IoT topic got some good engagement as did the fact that we "magically" dropped over a hundred active cases of COVID-19 in Australia today (sounds like the gov just reclassifying what's still considered to be an active case). That puts us at 143 remaining active cases [https://twitter...