
Weekly update

A 438-post collection

Weekly Update 432

There's a certain irony to the Bluesky situation where people are pushing back when I include links to X. Now, where have we seen this sort of behaviour before? 🤔 When I'm relying on content that only appears on that platform to add context to a data breach in HIBP and that content is freely accessible from within the native Bluesky app (without needing an X account), we're out of reasonable excuses for the negativity. And if "because Elon" is the sole reason and someone is firm enough in their...

Weekly Update 431

I fell waaay behind the normal video cadence this week, and I couldn't care less 😊 I mean c'mon, would you rather be working or sitting here looking at this view after snowboarding through Christmas?! Christmas Day awesomeness in Norway 🇳🇴 Have a great one friends, wherever you are 🧑‍🎄 — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) December 25, 2024 That said, Scott and I did carve out some time to chat about the, uh, "colourful" feedback he's had after finally putting a price on...

Weekly Update 430

I'm back in Oslo! Writing this the day after recording, it feels like I couldn't be further from Dubai; the temperature starts with a minus, it's snowing and there's not a supercar in sight. Back on business, this week I'm talking about the challenge of loading breaches and managing costs. A breach load immediately takes us from a very high percentage cache hit ratio on Cloudflare to zero. Consequently, our SQL costs skyrocket as the DB scales to support the load. Approximately 28 hours after l...

Weekly Update 429

A super quick intro today as I rush off to do the next very Dubai thing: drive a Lambo through the desert to go dirt bike riding before jumping in a Can-Am off-roader and then heading to the kart track for a couple of afternoon sessions. I post lots of pics to my Facebook account, and if none of that is interesting, here's this week's video on more infosec-related topics: References 1. Sponsored by: Cyberattacks are guaranteed. Is your recovery? Protect your data in the cloud. Join Rubri...

Weekly Update 428

I wouldn't say this is a list of my favourite breaches from this year as that's a bit of a disingenuous term, but oh boy were there some memorable ones. So many of the incidents I deal with are relatively benign in terms of either the data they expose or the nature of the service, but some of them this year were absolute zingers. This week, I'm talking about the ones that really stuck out to me for one reason or another, here's the top 5: References 1. Sponsored by: 1Password Extended Ac...

Weekly Update 427

I was going to write about how much I've enjoyed "tinkering" with the HIBP API, but somehow, that term doesn't really seem appropriate any more for a service of this scale. On the contrary, we're putting in huge amounts of effort to get this thing fast, stable, and sustainable. We could do the first two very easily just by throwing money at the cloud, but that makes the last one a bit hard. Besides, both Stefán and I do enjoy the challenge of optimising an increasingly large system to run on a s...

Weekly Update 426

I have absolutely no problem at all talking about the code I've screwed up. Perhaps that's partly because after 3 decades of writing software (and doing some meaningful stuff along the way), I'm not particularly concerned about showing my weaknesses. And this week, I screwed up a bunch of stuff; database queries that weren't resilient to SQL database scale changes, partially completed breach notifications I didn't notice until it was too late to easily fix, and some queries that performed so bad...

Weekly Update 425

This was a much longer than usual update, largely due to the amount of time spent discussing the Earth 2 incident. As I said in the video (many times!), the amount of attention this has garnered from both Earth 2 users and the company itself is incommensurate with the impact of the incident itself. It's a nothing-burger. Email addresses and usernames, that's it, and of course, their association with the service, which may lead to some very targeted spam or phishing attempts. It's still a breach...

Weekly Update 424

I have really clear memories of listening to the Stack Overflow podcast in the late 2000's and hearing Jeff and Joel talk about the various challenges they were facing and the things they did to overcome them. I just suddenly thought of that when realising how long this week's video went for with no real plan other than to talk about our HIBP backlog. People seem to love this in the same way I loved listening to the guys a decade and a half ago. I'll do one of these with Stefan as well over the...

Weekly Update 423

Firstly, my apologies for the minute and a bit of echo at the start of this video, OBS had somehow magically decided to start recording both the primary mic and the one built into my camera. Easy fix, moving on... During the livestream, I was perplexed as to why the HIBP DB was suddenly maxing out. Turns out that this aligned with dropping a constraint on the table of domains which appears to have caused the table to reindex and massively slow down the queries for breached email addresses. Furt...