
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 254

The plan this week was to do a super simple update whilst having some time out. In the back yard, sun shining, iPad, Air Pods, all good. Mostly all good - the sound quality on those Air Pods is absolute rubbish. I don't if that's a general truism or there's just something amiss with mine, but the constant fading out is extremely frustrating and I apologise for the sound quality not being up to expectations. Next week I'll be back in my office, I hope this week's video is still watchable and you...

Weekly Update 253

This week, by popular demand, it's Charlotte! Oh - and Scott. People had been asking for Charlotte for a while, so we finally decided to do a weekly update together on how she's been transitioning from Mac to PC. Plus, she has to put up with all my IoT shenanigans so that made for some fun conversation, along with how our respective homelands are dealing with the current pandemic (less fun, but very important). There's been a bunch of requests for us to do more of this so stay tuned and maybe we...

Weekly Update 252

Next week first: based on popular demand, at 18:00 on our end Friday 23 (that's 09:00 in London and terrible o'clock everywhere in the US), Charlotte is going to join me to talk about her transition from Mac to PC. Scott Helme will also be here (as in Zoom "here") so it'll be a bit of fun and inevitably go way off topic, but I thought it would be fun to fix it up a bit 🙂 This week is more of the usual with Chrome's push to HTTPS, another gov on HIBP and more travels in IoT land. [https://itune...

Weekly Update 251

Between school holidays and a house full of tradies repairing things, there wasn't a lot a free time this week. That said, I've got another gov onto HIBP, snared by 11th MVP award, did a heap of other cyber-things and Charlotte and I even managed to slip in our first COVID shots amongst all that. Next week will start getting back to full steam as the winter holidays end (yeah, it's winter here, I know that's confusing for some people!) and I'm sure there'll be an all new stash of cyber-IoT-other...

Weekly Update 250

This week is a bit of everything again, although the main difference this time was an update on the COVID situation we're facing in Australia. We've been largely virus-free (relative speaking) but as a result, vaccine rollout has been really slow (as in about 5% of the country being covered) and following some outbreaks of the Delta strain this past couple of weeks, everyone is feeling a bit nervous. We'll get there, but it's a bit of on add time for us and it's certainly dominated headlines rec...

Weekly Update 249

A bit of a shorter work week this one as we escaped to a little getaway for a few days. That said, it gave me some nice downtime to continue writing the book and speaking of which, after today's video we had a regular catch up with Rob Conery and I think we made a bit of a breakthrough with how I intro it so hopefully we're one step closer again to a finished product now (do sign up to be kept up to date with progress []). That, and all the usual stuff this week (except...

Weekly Update 248

Thought I'd do a bit of AMA this week given the rest of the content was a bit lighter. If you like this sort of content then I'll try and be a bit more organised next time, give some notice and make more of an event out of it. Other than that, I'm screwing around with more IoT things, dealing with more breaches, onboarding new governments so yeah, same same 🙂 [] [

Weekly Update 247

Lots of stuff going on this week, beginning with me losing my mind try to get local control of IoT devices. I'm writing up a much more extensive blog post on this, suffice to say it's a complete mess and all of the suggestions I've had have been well-intentioned, but infeasible for various reasons. But as I say in the video, it has all been worth it and I do get a lot of enjoyment from playing with it all 😊 That and many other cyber things in this week's update. [

Weekly Update 246

This week has been absolutely dominated by code contributions to Pwned Passwords. This is such an awesome, humbling experience that so many people have wanted to contribute their time to something that makes online life better for all of us. The challenge I have now is, as expected, managing the pull requests, reviewing code and ensuring the project heads in the right direction as support for ingesting the FBI -provided passwords is built out. I have an idea around that I'm working on at the mom...

Weekly Update 245

This week is the culmination of planning that began all the way back in August last year when I announced the intention to start open sourcing the HIBP code base []. Today, it's finally happened with Pwned Passwords now completely open to all. That's only been possible with the help of the .NET Foundation because as I've said many times now, this is new territory for me. And just to make things really interesting, we're a...