
Weekly update

A 413-post collection

Weekly Update 264

A lot of cyber things this week: loads of data breach (or "scrape", In LinkedIn's case) incidents, Windows 11 upgrade experiences and then bricking my house courtesy of a Home Assistant update that fundamentally changed the Tuya integration. So pretty much "same, same but different" to every other week 🙂 [] [

Weekly Update 263

Lots of little bits and pieces this week in a later and shorter than usual update. See the references for all the details, but plenty of cyber, some IoT weather station discussion and a bit of chatter around career and me deciding I want to do a "Hack Your Career More" talk once we all get back to doing events in person. Stay tuned for that last one in particular! [] [

Weekly Update 262

5 years of weekly updates, wow. It's not like anything of much significance has happened in that time, right?! I've done these videos every single week without fail, through high and lows and no matter where I was in the world. As I say early on, they've helped keep me focused and whilst it hasn't always been easy to sit here and create them each week, I'm very glad I've done it. I'm also very glad Scott joined me on this one and we could have a bit of fun, shows with him always rate well and I'...

Weekly Update 261

Never a dull moment! Most important stuff this week is talking about next week, namely because Scott Helme and I will be dong a live stream together for the 5th anniversary of my weekly update vids. We'd love questions and topics in advance or just drop in on the day, we're planning it for 18:00 Gold Coast time on Friday 24 which will be 09:00 that morning in London and ridiculous o'clock everywhere in the US. A few other random things in this weeks vid, the one worth following up on here though...

Weekly Update 260

An early one today as I made space in the schedule to get out on the water 😎 I'm really liking the new Apple AirTags, I'm disliking some of the international media coverage about Australia's COVID situation, another gov onto HIBP and a blog post I've wanted to write for a long time on biometrics. That last one in particularly I felt was really important as time and time again, I hear these irrational statements from people about the perceived "risks" of biometrics and in particular, the belief...

Weekly Update 259

I'm  back from the most epic of holidays! How epic? Just have a scroll through the thread: > I’m back! Went offline for most of the last week, pics and stories to follow 🐊 [] — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) September 2, 2021 [] Which the Twitter client on my iPad somehow decided to break into 2 threads: > At times this felt like navigating through a scene from Jurassic Park,...

Weekly Update 258

A really brief intro as this is my last key strokes before going properly off the grid for the next week (like really off the grid, middle of nowhere style). Lots of little things this week, hoping next week will be the big "hey, Pwned Passwords just passed 1 billion", stay tuned for that one 😊 [] [

Weekly Update 257

It all feels a bit "business as usual" this week; data breaches, IoT and 3D printing. But what I'm most excited about is what I probably spent the least amount of time talking about, that being the work 1Password and I have been doing on our "Hello CISO" series. I love it because it's broadly relevant, easily consumable and totally, properly free. Feedback so far has been awesome, I hope you enjoy it too 🙂 [] [ht...

Weekly Update 256

Well this week went on for a bit, an hour and 6 mins in all. The 2 Apple things were particularly interesting due to the way in which both catching CSAM baddies and catching baddies who steal your things involves using technology that can be abused. Is it good tech because it can do good things? Bad tech because it can do bad things? Or is tech just morally neutral and we need to look at it more holistically? I argue the latter, but also acknowledge the views of both camps at either end of the a...

Weekly Update 255

I'm back in the office this week and back to decent audio and video quality. There's loads of bits and pieces happening as evidence by almost an entire hour disappearing in this week's vid, ranging from problems with tradies (tradespeople), more lockdown, stats on some projects and then this week's blog post, 3D printing with my 9-year old daughter Elle. Enjoy 😊 [] [