

A 4-post collection

Social Media Thread-Hijacking is Nothing More Than Targeted Spam

I have a vehement dislike of spam. Right there, that's something you and I have in common because I'm yet to meet a person who says "well actually, I find those Viagra emails I receive every day kinda useful". We get bombarded by spam on a daily basis and quite rightly, people get kinda cranky when they have to deal with it; it's an unwanted invasion that takes a little slice of unnecessary mental processing each time we see it. Sure, junk mail filters catch a lot of it, but even the best implem...

5 essential tips for customer care people dealing with technical queries

It happened again. Well actually, it happens all the time but I got inadvertently drawn into it again. I’m referring to this: [] Totally secure! Not just “pretty” secure or “really” secure but totally secure! I need to learn how to do that. Now this was in response to the following tweet: [] This is a familiar banter; a concerned customer raises a valid point about the technica...

20 tips for making Twitter a “must have” business tool

I thought I was a bit of a latecomer to Twitter when I jumped on board two years ago but given the growth rate since then – it’s gone from 100 million tweets in Q4 of ‘08 to 4 billion tweets in Q1 of 2010 – I appear to be a relative sage of the Twittersphere. Having now reached a point where I consider Twitter a “must have” business tool, I’m enjoying encouraging others to seek out the same benefits. However it’s always difficult to articulate the virtues in a casual conversation so here are 20...

I’ve been undefined!

Just in case anyone has passed by in recent days and noticed the Twitter panel on my blog displaying tweets that are, well, inconsistent with my normal tweets, fear not! It seems the geniuses behind the Twitter webpart for the Blogger engine have made a small mistake in the JavaScript variable department. In short, it appears an undefined variable is somehow inserted into a JSON request URL to Twitter and unsurprisingly, the Tweets of an undefined user are being requested. Surprisingly enough...