

A 411-post collection

How your website is being pwned while you’re not looking

Who’s hacking us? How are we (as developers) making this possible? What are some of the common flaws we’re building into software? And what exactly is “pwned” anyway?! All these questions and more come up and get answered in the presentation I made to Developers Developers Developers! [] in Sydney a few months ago. Fortunately the good folks at SSW [] were kind enough to record and very professionally produce a number of the...

Do you allow XSS in your passwords? You should!

There are two security principles which I hold dearly but are often counterintuitive: 1. Users should be able to create any conceivable password they desire – no limits! 2. All input should be treated as hostile and properly sanitised against a whitelist. This is counterintuitive advice in so far as that second point has always been partially supported natively by ASP.NET request validation. I say “partially” because it’s not the final word in request validation [

Fixing hash DoS good and proper (and breaking ASafaWeb)

Remember hash DoS []? This was that very clever yet equally nasty little attack which meant that if you formatted the parameters in a post request juuuuust right you could take down an ASP.NET website with a mere single request. Bugger. This made for a rather unpleasant Christmas and New Year period for a number of people at Microsoft as well as sys admins the world over. Microsoft had rapidly released a the MS11-100 [htt...

Virus scams, social engineering, victim’s stories and community awareness

As many readers and followers will know, I’ve had a bit of fun with scammers [] in the past. Remember those guys who call you up while you’re sitting down for dinner and tell you your computer has all sorts of nasties in it? Yeah, those guys. The blog posts I’ve made have been part of the story and inevitably the one most people are familiar with, but there are a few other things happening which I think some of you would...

Why XSS is serious business (and why Tesco needs to pay attention)

It was three weeks ago now that I wrote about Lessons in website security anti-patterns by Tesco [] where I pointed out a whole raft of basic, flawed practices which jeopardised the security and privacy of shoppers. These practices in and of themselves were (are) bad, but what really seemed to fire up a lot of people was Tesco’s response when I first flagged it with them: [

Is Stack Overflow “secure”? Kind of…

I had an interesting question pop up on my “SSL is not about encryption” blog post [] this weekend: > I have a question about logging to site like StackOverflow which doesn't use SSL at all. If I am login to SO via Google. Is this secure in this case? This is actually a very good question for a number of reasons so I thought it deserved a little more attention than just the short response I gave on the blog....

Welcome to the ASafaWeb scheduler

I started building ASafaWeb [] – the Automated Security Analyser for ASP.NET websites – about a year back to try and automate processes I found I kept manually doing, namely checking the security configuration of ASP.NET web apps. You see, the problem was that I was involved in building lots of great apps but folks would often get little security configurations wrong; a missing custom errors page, stack traces bubbling up or request validation being turned off among numerous...

Lessons in website security anti-patterns by Tesco

Update, 14 Feb 2014: A year and a half on from writing this, Tesco has indeed suffered a serious security incident almost certainly as a result of some of the risks originally detailed here. Read more about it in The Tesco hack – here’s how it (probably) happened []. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me set the scene for this post by sharing a simple tweet from last nig...

Stronger password hashing in .NET with Microsoft’s universal providers

Last month I wrote about our password hashing having no clothes [] which, to cut to the chase, demonstrated how salted SHA hashes (such as created by the ASP.NET membership provider), offered next to no protection from brute force attacks. I’m going to assume you’re familiar with the background story on this (read that article before this one if not), but the bottom line was that cryptographic hashing of passwords needs to...

Here’s why we keep getting hacked – clear and present Billabong failures

It happened again last week. No, not Yahoo! Voices [], not the Phandroid Android forums [] , not NVidia [] and not Formspring [] , this time it was Billabong, ou...