
Have I Been Pwned

A 200-post collection

Request for feedback: Organisations using “Have I been pwned” data

Working on Have I been pwned [] (HIBP), I come across a lot of interesting things. Interesting people dealing in data breaches, interesting vulnerabilities in systems which have been compromised and interesting requests from people wanting the data. In fact, I was getting so many requests for data I ended up writing No, I cannot share data breaches with you [] where I very explicitly laid out...

How your data is collected and commoditised via “free” online services

I get a lot of people popping up with data breaches for Have I been pwned [] (HIBP). There’s an interesting story in that itself actually, one I must get around to writing in the future as folks come from all sorts of different backgrounds and offer up data they’ve come across in various locations. Recently someone sent me a list of various data breaches they’d obtained, including this one: > InstantCheckmate 2015 - 80M entries On the surface of it, that’s a phenom...

Breaches, “Have I been pwned?”, password reuse, 1Password and good deeds

I spend a lot of time on Have I been pwned [] (HIBP) which consists of both maintaining and building out the software with new features as well as obviously sourcing new data for it on a regular basis. I make it freely available to the community and some time ago at the suggestion of some of those who’d found it useful, I stood up a donations page []. Whilst the service is cheap to run courtesy of Azure being pretty cost efficient, it’s...

The impact of “Have I been pwned” on the data breach marketplace

I’ve been running “Have I been pwned?” (HIBP) for just over a couple of years now and to say that it’s exceeded my wildest expectations of what it might achieve is somewhat of an understatement. The volume of data it now holds is one thing, the many hundreds of thousands of notification subscribers is another and yet another again is the volume of traffic it serves, sometimes in the millions of visitors a day. But recently, the penny has dropped on something else it’s managed to achieve that I n...

When children are breached – inside the massive VTech hack

I suspect we’re all getting a little bit too conditioned to data breaches lately. They’re in the mainstream news on what seems like a daily basis to the point where this is the new normal. Certainly the Ashley Madison debacle [] took that to a whole new level, but when it comes to our identities being leaked all over the place, it’s just another day on the web. Unless it’s our children’s identities, that’s a whole new l...

I’m sorry, but your email address is not as valuable as you think it is

In running Have I been pwned? (HIBP) [], I often get asked – “Can I trust you with my email address?” – which I find to be a very odd question. It’s odd because for the most part, we never really think about how trustworthy a website is before we enter the address. What I mean by this is that we all sign up for dozens if not hundreds of services ranging from shopping to social to professional and enter a whole heap of data, including our email address all the time. We...

No, I cannot share data breaches with you

If you’re reading this, it’s possible I directed you here with little more than a mere URL in my reply to you. It’s likely that you asked for data that has been breached from an online system. Perhaps it was your data you asked for, perhaps it was other people’s data you were seeking but regardless, the response is the same. No, I cannot. In running Have I been pwned? [] (HIBP) I obviously come across a lot of data breaches with a lot of sensitive data. I understand t...

Breaches, traders, plain text passwords, ethical disclosure and 000webhost

It’s a bit hard to even know where to begin with this one, perhaps at the start and then I’ll try and piece all the bits together as best I can. As you may already know if you’re familiar with this blog, I run the service Have I been pwned? [] (HIBP) which allows people to discover where their personal data has been compromised on the web. When a breach hits the public airwaves, I load in the email addresses and those who subscribe to the service (it’s free) get noti...

How to break your site with a content security policy: an illustrated example

I’m a big proponent of the content security policy paradigm (CSP) supported by modern browsers. In fact I’m so keen on them I even wrote a Pluralsight course: Introduction to Browser Security Headers []. (Sidenote: I’m enormously happy with how well this course has been received, seems there’s an appetite for securing our things after all!) Now if you’re not sure what all the fuss is about, have a quick read of my launch blog post for...

How did “Have I been pwned?” perform on Azure? An Ashley Madison retrospective

I’ve always written very publicly about how Have I been pwned [] (HIBP) was conceived, built and indeed how it performs. If ever there was a time to look back at that performance, it’s in the wake of the first few days after loading in the Ashley Madison breach. I want to share the “warts and all account” of what I observed over the three days of utter chaos that ensued. I first learned of the incident at about 6am local on Wednesday which was very shortly after the t...