

I deliver top-rated keynotes and conference talks on security and other technology concepts around the world

You'll often find me speaking at technology events around the world, usually on security and usually showing people just how easy it is to break software on the web today. The view I take in all my speaking, workshops and writing is that unless software developers understand how code is exploited, it's hard for them to buy into the value of protecting it.

I also speak at private engagements around the world ranging from corporate events for technology professionals to consumer and business focussed events that discuss technology in more layman's terms. Frequently, these events are designed to impress on the audience the importance of digital security and highlight the challenges we're facing to our online wellbeing.

Presentation style

A huge amount of effort goes into all my talks and I continue to refine my approach over time, often writing about what resonates. The talks that I find the most fulfilling and receive the best feedback are those that blend education with entertainment; They must have substance, but they must also keep people engaged.

I usually blend visual presentations with live demos and frequently involve the audience in activities, be that having them contribute feedback during the talk, connect to rogue wireless networks or join me on stage. My talks are very carefully prepared and rehearsed yet also remain as ad-libbed as possible; they must feel organic and natural, never stilted or forced.

Audience evaluations

Wherever audience evaluations are requested, I record the results and publish them publicly. These are frequently the highest-rated talks of the event, usually attended by hundreds of attendees for "standard" talks and often thousands for keynotes.

Evaluations for talks from recent years as follows:

Speaking highlights

I've done hundreds of talks in a variety of different settings over the years, here's a number of my favourites from recent conferences:

Speaking at your event

I usually try and align speaking events so that I can either do other talks or commercial workshops at the same time, particularly when international travel is involved. If you'd like me to speak at your event, get in touch via the contact page.