
The unabating cold call virus scams

Update: Literally an hour after posting this, I had another call running the same scam. As suggested earlier [], I broadcast this one via Periscope [] and you can can go back and watch it via the app. I’ll be more organised next time and have a special machine ready for them :) These things just don’t stop. I had my first seriously nasty one []...

Microsoft MVP again, year five!

Last year was rather busy. I pushed out 78 blog posts. I had lots of millions of page views with over half a million on the Shellshock bug post [] alone (and mostly just in September). There were a bunch of conferences both down here in Australia and overseas, a few national TV spots and another 5 Pluralsight courses. And the ultimate endorsement of online success, abusive trolls. It was a very good year :) So per the title...

Deconstruct websites, get hired: hiding recruitment messages in source code

The other day I did a security workshop at a firm here in Sydney and one of the things we did was a proxy a bunch of traffic and inspect what was going on behind the scenes. Among the expected hilarity that always ensues from these sorts of exercises (you can find heaps more of this in my Hack Your API First course []), one of the guys at the event found this in the response headers of Airbnb: X-Hi-Human: The Production Infrastructure team a...

On being a Pluralsight author

I’ve just come back from spending some time over in Utah with Pluralsight and a bunch of fellow authors and as I was last year, I’m all excited and full of great ideas. A bunch of people asked me what it was all about and what it means to be a Pluralsight author so rather than continually giving short responses to individuals, I thought I should articulate things a little more clearly because frankly, it’s all rather exciting. Let me explain. Culture I’d like to think that as Aussies, we’ve g...

Yow! Conference talk – Hack yourself first

Back in December, I was privileged enough to be asked along to the Yow! Conference [] road show down here in Australia. I say “road show” as myself and a bunch of speakers from around the world spent a couple of days in Melbourne, a weekend up in sunny Queensland, a couple of days in Brisbane then jetted down to Sydney and spent a couple of days there. It was pretty much the same content in each city, but obviously different audiences. This was my first Yow! and it w...

Secure Account Management with .NET Rocks!

A little while back I wrote about The Conversation [], that’s the one I often have with developers looking to build web applications which need to manage accounts but who perhaps haven’t quite thought through all the ins and outs of it. That was also the launch of a new Pluralsight course Secure Account Management Fundamentals [] which goes through...

Stories from the trenches: Sizing and penny pinching with Azure websites

These real world experiences with Azure are now available in the Pluralsight course "Modernizing Your Websites with Azure Platform as a Service" []How much capacity will you need for your app? Or asked another way if wearing the vendor hat, how much money ya got? We’re generally lousy at estimating infrastructure capacity requirements and even when a more scientific approach is taken (and it’s frequently not), we’re still l...

App sec in Europe!

Through what I can only describe as enormously fortuitous circumstances (and I’ll better qualify that in a later post), I have the bandwidth to do a bunch of things over the next few months that previous commitments kept me from. One of the immediate things I’m now doing is saying “yes” when I previously had to decline. Yes to conferences. Yes to training. Yes to consulting and in the context of this blog post, yes to folks in the EU. I’m off to Europe a couple of times over the coming months f...

Spec’ing, choosing and testing a UPS for the home office

I’ll keep this one pretty much to the point and let the pictures do most of the talking. In my kitchen cupboard, I have this: It may well be related to the vicinity of the chocolate, but the kids seem to like hitting those switches. For some reason, they particularly like doing it when I’m right in the middle of this: Editing Pluralsight courses [] is laborious work. I do it on my desktop so I get all four screens to look at and I invariably have...

Introducing my new weekly column, “Security Sense” on Windows IT Pro

Regular readers here will recognise that if there’s one thing I’m generally not short of, it’s security stuff to talk about and personal opinions on the whole thing (maybe that’s two things). Oh and there’s also the thing about spending a whole heap of time writing security training material for Pluralsight [] and maintaining Have I been pwned? [] which all keeps me rather immersed in what I reckon is a very exciting industry....