
Get started with CloudFlare security on Pluralsight

You may not realise this, but you use CloudFlare []. You probably use it every day and you do so without even realising it. You reap numerous benefits from it as well but they’re seamless – it just makes your browsing experience better. By better I mean faster and most importantly in the context of this blog post and my latest Pluralsight course [], more secure. Unless you’re an attacker in which cas...

Now you can monitor “Have I been pwned?” performance on Azure in real time

There’s been a huge amount of activity on Have I been pwned? [] (HIBP) in recent weeks, particularly in the wake of the Adult Friend Finder breach [] which drew a lot of attention. The activity has comprised of organic browser-based traffic as well hits to the API []. The latter in particular is interesting as you can see a steady rate of traffic (or a steady increase of traffic) sud...

Speaker style bingo: 10 presentation anti-patterns

For the first time in about as long as I can remember, I’m at a conference and not actually presenting anything. It’s enormously liberating actually and it’s allowed me to soak up a heap of info without being preoccupied with actually, well, doing stuff. Mind you, I’m chairing half a dozen sessions at AusCERT 2015 but that amounts to introducing someone, sitting back to enjoy their talk then thanking them very much. Anyway, all this sitting around and watching other people talk about technology...

It’s time for A grade SSL on Azure websites

I get a lot of this sort of thing: “Hey, how come your site only gets a B grade on the SSL Labs test?” They’re referring to my Have I been pwned? [] (HIBP) site and they’re right, it only scores a B grade []: [] The killer blow here is highlighted in orange – RC4. It’s a weak cipher by today’s terms and evidently it’s capped my grade lo...

Want to Hack Yourself First in Amsterdam? Come join Xebia and I for a 2 day workshop!

It’s the “Hack Yourself First” trilogy: Watch the talk [] , take the Pluralsight course [] and now you can spend a couple of days with me in Amsterdam next month on June 22 and 23 doing the workshop [] . I’ve teamed up with X...

Pineapple express – when awesome service deserves recognition

So I’m at the DevSum conference in Stockholm [] and yesterday afternoon was busily preparing for my talk, Hack Yourself First. It’s a talk I’ve done many times before and it always rocks not just based on the attendee feedback, but because frankly I just have a lot of fun doing it (you can watch a recording from Yow! in December []...

Supercars suck at transporting TVs (and other Azure Table Storage lessons)

The other day my receiver for the home audio setup completely died. Kaput. So I go out to get another one and given a receiver is no larger than a couple of shoeboxes in size, I decide to drive the GT-R [] instead of taking the family estate. I love the GT-R because it’s enormous fun and I smile every time I drive it so given my requirements were well within the capacity allowance of the GT-R’s supercar proportions, it was the natural...

It’s ethical hacking with SQL injection on Pluralsight!

I’ve long been a proponent of “hacking yourself first”, that is the idea of building up some offensive skills such that you can actually take a good shot at ethically breaking apps for the betterment of society. Whether they’re you’re own apps that you’ve built or ones you’re testing part of a dev team doesn’t really matter, it’s the same skills and the same end result – you find bad stuff before bad people do. What I can now share with everyone is that over the last few months, I’ve been work...


So the dust has finally settled. A month ago I wrote about </pfizer> [] which marked my departure from the corporate world after spending the last 14 years building and managing their software things across a good whack of the world. With that chapter now formally closed, it’s time to talk about the next phase. It’s time to talk about Pluralsight []. The path to Pluralsight It was 2012 when I...

Implementing a content security policy with NWebsec, Azure Table Storage and Raygun

I love it when a whole bunch of different bits play really nice together, especially when it’s making things more secure. Today I decided to properly implement a content security policy (CSP) on Have I been pwned? (HIBP) and managed to tie in a whole bunch of nice bits to create what I reckon is a pretty neat implementation. Firstly, if CSP is new to you, go and read Scott Helme’s overview [] which is excellent. The tl;dr version...