
Data breach claims are often poorly researched, unsubstantiated and ultimately fake

I have multiple Yahoo data breaches. I have a Twitter data breach. I have Facebook data breaches. I know they are data breaches from those sources because people told me they are, ergo, they're data breaches. Except they're not - they're all fake. Problem is though, fake data breaches don't make for a very good headline nor do they give you something worth trading; for many people, it's not in their best interests to establish what's fake and what's not. Earlier this year I wrote about how I ve...

My weekly updates are now available as an audio podcast

I've been doing the weekly updates [] for a couple of months now and by all accounts, they've been very well-received. One of the early pieces of feedback I got though was that I should also publish them as an audio podcast so that people can listen to them in the car or while doing whatever else it is that people do while listening to syndicated content via the likes of iTunes. Yesterday I finally got around to getting all this setup by using the Omn...

Disqus' mixed content problem and fixing it with a CSP

I write a blog with a lot of security things on it so understandably, it upsets me somewhat when my site throws security warnings: I'd had a number of people report this and indeed I'd seen it myself, albeit transiently. Diving into the console, I found the source of the problem: Who the hell is Circulate?! And what are they doing in my blog? Let's find out: Right... I don't have any ads on my blog these days (just sponsor messages) so there shouldn't be any third-party monetisation goi...

New Pluralsight course: Exploring the Internet of Vulnerabilities

I've done a number of "Play by Play" courses for Pluralsight this year on a range of topics including Social Engineering with my mate Lars Klint [], Deconstructing the Hack with my mate Gary Eimerman [] , Modernizing Your Deployment Strategy with Octopus Deploy with my mate Damo Brady [

Weekly update 8 (backyard edition)

Let's get this out of the way early - I did not shoot this video on a green screen! When I first watched it, I couldn't believe how amazing the picture quality was and the first thought I had when I saw it was the green screen one. The new iPhone 7 Plus is a major part of that, but I got out early when it was quiet and got the light just right too. I posted a still to Twitter earlier today and someone asked what lighting I use. Uh, "the sun", that is all. Anyway, a bunch of things worth discuss...

The Capgemini leak of Michael Page data via publicly facing database backup

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the leak of data from the Red Cross' Blood Service down here in Australia [] . Many people were shocked that you could have a situation where troves of personal data were obtainable not through any advanced hacking technique, but by merely downloading a database backup from the website it had been published to. It's literally that simple and it's shockingly commo...

Offshoring roulette: lessons from outsourcing to India, China and the Philippines

I've had this blog post in one form or another of draft for several years now. I hesitated to complete it, in part because at the best of times cultural observations can easily be misinterpreted and also in part because of the role I had in working with many outsourcing vendors across Asia. Whilst the former hesitation has in no way changed, the latter has and I think it's a genuinely interesting topic worth sharing, particularly before my outsourcing memories fade too far. One thing before I b...

Weekly update 7 (South Stradbroke Island edition)

Apparently, after doing several weekly updates from different locations across the globe, last week's one from my home office was rather boring. Now maybe that was just a noisy minority saying that, I don't know, but I thought I'd test the theory and this week I headed out on jet ski to one of my favourite little island spots. I still got all the same content in, albeit from a more interesting spot. If you love or hate this approach, let me know, I'm still seeing what resonates and what doesn't...

Ubiquiti all the things: how I finally fixed my dodgy wifi

I'm increasingly of the view that both my time and my sanity are worth more and more as the years progress. Particularly in my independent life, it really can be that black and white - if I can't work, it costs me money. Plus, I want to be happy and few things make me less happy than computer bits going wrong: > Really disappointed with the @Linksys [] WRT1900AC wireless routers I bought a year ago, continually degrade speed and need a reset

New Pluralsight Course: Modernizing Your Deployment Strategy with Octopus Deploy

Here's a little-known fact for folks that have only tuned in more recently: I had a life before doing security things. I know, it seems like a long time ago now, but there was a time where all the other things that go into the software development process were highly topical for me. In fact, some of the most popular content on my blog over the last 7 years has been the You're deploying it wrong series [] where I walk through the setup of T...