
Weekly update 11

A bit of a quieter week this time blog wise, but a very busy week in terms of HIBP traffic. It went pretty nuts on Tuesday with a spike the scale I'd never seen before which made things, well, "interesting". I also put the word out about an "ask me anything" live stream event I'm going to do early next week which should be a lot of fun. Oh - and the Indian pathology results exposed to the world - that's unfolding as I write this but the position from the lab exposing things like patient HIV resu...

Brief lessons on handling huge traffic spikes

Earlier today, Have I been pwned [] (HIBP) appeared on a British TV show called The Martin Lewis Money Show []. A producer had contacted me about this last week: > I Just wanted to get in contact to let you know we're featuring 'have I been pwned?' on the programme next week (Monday 28 Nov, 8pm, ITV) saying it's a good way to check if your data has been compromised. I thought it best to let you know in case you need to put extra resour...

It's Have I been pwned's birthday and I'm doing a live streamed AMA

It's hard to believe it, but Sunday 4 December will mark 3 years since I launched Have I been pwned []. A huge amount has happened in that time, not just for HIBP but for the industry and indeed for me personally. I certainly didn't expect it to become what it is, not in terms of the amount of data or the number of people visiting and subscribing and certainly not the media attention it's drawn from all over the world. That's posed some real...

Weekly update 10

This has been a mega week with a couple of pretty contentious blog posts which frankly, are the best kind! It gets so boring when everyone just nods and agrees... But seriously, the one on ad blockers in particular shows just what a mess we've gotten ourselves into and the "ban all the ads (or anything that has even a sniff of an ad)" proponents are a big part of the problem. I talk about it in detail in the video though so here it is, along with all the podcasts too: iTunes podcast [https://i...

Get "The Information Security Big Picture" on Pluralsight now!

If you're here reading this then it probably won't come as a big surprise but brace yourself anyway - we have a security problem. Yes, yes, I know, it's all very terrifying and not a day goes by where someone isn't getting cyber-something'd. As best I can tell from the news, it's pretty much all to do with guys in hoodies sitting at green screens pwning all our things. I'm quite sure that's the case, I even did a quick check on Google to confirm: I talk about these crazy hacker perceptions in...

Have I been pwned and spam lists of personal information

One of the things I'm finding with running Have I been pwned [] (HIBP) is that over time, my approach is changing. Nothing dramatic thus far, usually just what I'd call "organic" corrections in direction and usually in response to things I've learned, industry events or changes in the way people are using the service. For example, the Ashley Madison hack led to the concept of a sensitive breach [] which meant...

Handling people's personal data is sensitive business

Last week I wrote about how 8 million GitHub profiles were leaked from GeekedIn's MongoDB [] which is always a risk when you expose a DB with no auth whatsoever! For any other website, this would be a typical data breach scenario in that info that was meant to remain private was made public. However, GeekedIn lost publicly accessible GitHub data so whilst yes, there was a breach, no, it...

Ad blockers are part of the problem

Earlier this year, I wrote about bad user experiences on websites [] and foremost among these were the shitty things some sites do with ads. Forbes' insistence that you watch one before manually clicking through to the story, full screen and popover ads and ads that would take over your screen after you started reading the article were all highlighted. Unanimously, we hate this experience. Because the aforementioned experiences ar...

Weekly update 9

Lots on this week and I'm very happy to have finally got myself organised and set up an audio podcast feed. It's getting a heap of downloads already so obviously, people did actually want it and frankly, I'm sorry I didn't get it organised earlier! That and much more in this week's update iTunes podcast [] | Google Play Music podcast [

8 million GitHub profiles were leaked from GeekedIn's MongoDB - here's how to see yours

Let me make it crystal clear in the opening paragraph: this incident is not about any sort of security vulnerability on GitHub's behalf, rather it relates to a trove of data from their site which was inappropriately scraped and then inadvertently exposed due to a vulnerability in another service. My data. Probably your data if you're in the software industry. Millions of people's data. On Saturday, a character in the data trading scene popped up and sent me a 594MB file called geekedin.net_mirr...