
Thoughts on the LeakedSource take down

Yesterday, the website known as "LeakedSource" went offline. It's still early days and there's not yet an official word on exactly what happened, but the unfolding story seems to be as follows []: > Yeah you heard it here first. Sorry for all you kids who don't have all your own Databases. Leakedsource is down forever and won't be coming back. Owner raided early this morning. Wasn't arrested, but all SSD's got taken, and Leake...

Weekly update 18 (McLaren edition)

How's this for a spot to be?! This week I'm at the McLaren factory in Woking just outside London courtesy of a kind invite from a friendly Twitter follower. On Sunday, I was shown around some great spots in London by another one and as I've said before, I've only ever had good things come from meeting people "in real life" that I've interacted with online. Highly recommended! Not a lot to talk about in terms of new content I've written, but I give a rundown on the NDC conference, the new Plural...

Weekly update 17 (veranda edition)

This is a somewhat shorter, very tired version of my weekly update. As I say in the video, preparing for the NDC conference in London next week has been extremely taxing with two new talks and a bunch of other activities to organise. I didn't mention it in the vid, but I was also going until the early hours of yesterday morning recording a new Pluralsight course which I'll then be editing while I travel. I didn't realise how tired I look until I edited the clip so I'm going to do my best to use...

A data breach investigation blow-by-blow

Someone has just sent me a data breach. I could go and process the whole thing, attribute it to a source, load it into Have I been pwned [] (HIBP) then communicate the end result, but I thought it would be more interesting to readers if I took you through the whole process of verifying the legitimacy of the data and pinpointing the source. This is exactly the process I go through, unedited and at the time of writing, with a completely unknown outcome. Warning: This one...

Weekly update 16

It's a new year! Which means looking back at the old year and while I'm there, also looking back at how much we didn't know we didn't know. This week I also permanently nuked all remaining remnants of the ad network given the success of the sponsorship model and that has made me very happy. What I didn't mention in the weekly update is that I've had over 70k visitors to this blog over the last 24 hours largely on the basis of that post. It got a lot of traction on Hacker News [https://news.ycomb...

I just permanently removed all ad network code from my blog

I don't mind ads on websites as a concept, that is I don't mind the idea of a message appearing somewhere that helps the producer of said content earn a crust. However, there are other things about ads that I do mind enormously and most of them are due to the ad networks themselves. I don't like the overhead of a whole other website being embedded into an iframe. I don't like the total irrelevancy of much of the ad content. It could be tailored to my browsing habits, but then I'm not overly fond...

2016 retrospective

I never used to do these "year in review" style things, but 2015 was a really foundational year for me in many ways so I wrote a 2015 retrospective []. Thinking about it over the last few weeks as we approached the end of 2016, a bunch of stuff really stuck out in my mind and I think it's healthy to look back at what you've done and take a moment to reflect. Here are the things that were highlights for me: I launched a new blog One of the best things...

Weekly update 15 (poolside edition)

Last one of the year! And yes, it's summer, it's hot and I'm doing it by the pool. However, as I say in the intro, it's only a fortnight until I'll be back in London which is about as far away as you get in every sense. On a more serious note and harking back to my post on how much effort goes into an international speaking trip [] , this is well and truly the calm before the storm and things are about...

10 ways for a conference to upset their speakers

I was preparing for an upcoming event the other day and very nonchalantly fired off a tweet whilst doing so: > As a conference speaker, about the most annoying thing you can ask me to do is to use your slide template... — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) December 16, 2016 [] Within short order, it somehow received hundreds of likes and retweets with many chiming in about the things that frustrated them about speaking at events. There was a lot shared...

Weekly update 14

Almost done for the year and I've gone beach-style, if not in location then at least in attire. Xmas in Australia is all about the outdoors, the water and usually generous helpings of cold prawns so a little bit different to many places. But like everywhere else, the cyber things keep happening and there were a bunch of things on the agenda this week ranging from EV certs (largely a physiological discussion IMHO), to the Ethereum forum hack (or more specifically, how well they handled it) to how...