
Enhancing Pwned Passwords Privacy by Exclusively Supporting Anonymity

When I launched Pwned Passwords in August [], I honestly didn't know how much it would be used. I made 320M SHA-1 password hashes downloadable and also stood up an API to query the data "as a service" by either a plain text password or a SHA-1 hash. (Incidentally, for anyone about to lose their mind over SHA-1, read that launch post as to why that hashing algorithm is used.) But the service did become quite popu...

Weekly Update 84

This week... I'm tired. A two-day remote workshop on London hours meant very unfriendly times for me here in Aus but hey, it beats jet lag! So just a very short intro this time, I recorded the update this morning whilst I was rather a lot more awake so I'll let that do the talking. Enjoy! iTunes podcast [] | Google Play Music podcast [

IRL Analogies Explaining Digital Concepts are Terrible

Remember the anti-piracy campaign from years back about "You Wouldn't Steal a Car"? This was the rather sensationalist piece put together by the Motion Picture Association of America in an attempt to draw parallels between digital piracy and what they viewed as IRL ("In Real Life") equivalents. Here's a quick recap: The very premise that the young girl sitting in her bedroom in the opening scene is in any way relatable to the guy in the dark alley sliding a slim jim down the Merc's door is ridi...

Weekly Update 83

I'm home! Home is good. My travel stats for this year - not so good. As I say in the video, I need to fix this so at this stage, I'm saying "no" to pretty much everything in the second half of the year that involves international travel and I'll just do the exceptionally awesome stuff. But be that as it may, there's a bunch of other stuff to talk about this week including 3 new blog posts. I'm really hoping to push out a bunch more content over the coming weeks whilst I'm at home (I'm not overs...

Is Enumerating Resources on a Website "Hacking"?

I saw a story pop up this week which made a bunch of headlines and upon sharing it, also sparked some vigorous debate. It all had to do with a 19-year-old bloke in Canada downloading some publicly accessible documents which, as it later turned out, shouldn't have been publicly accessible. Let's start with this video as it pretty succinctly explains the issue in consumer-friendly terms: > VIDEO: Nova Scotia's government is accusing a 19-year-old of breaching their government website's security ~...

New Pluralsight Course: Modern Web Security Patterns

I was chatting to some folks at a bank just the other day about a bunch of modern web security standards. Whilst this blog post is about a Pluralsight course I created with Lars Klint [] , it only really hit me during that bank conversation just how much there is to take onboard when it comes to securing things in the browser toda...

Social Media Thread-Hijacking is Nothing More Than Targeted Spam

I have a vehement dislike of spam. Right there, that's something you and I have in common because I'm yet to meet a person who says "well actually, I find those Viagra emails I receive every day kinda useful". We get bombarded by spam on a daily basis and quite rightly, people get kinda cranky when they have to deal with it; it's an unwanted invasion that takes a little slice of unnecessary mental processing each time we see it. Sure, junk mail filters catch a lot of it, but even the best implem...

Weekly Update 82 (Honolulu Edition)

I'm in Honolulu! And I apologise in advance for the audio quality - the background noise is air conditioning units in the hotel and I didn't realise quite how much sound they make until I listened to the audio afterwards. Next week I'll be home and back to a quality audio setup. Regardless, I did pump out a shorter update with a bunch of bits and pieces that popped up during the week. Firstly, the obnoxious behaviour that is Twitter thread hijacking (think of everything you hate about spam, jus...

Microsoft Regional Director (Redux)

I received a very nice email this week: > Congratulations, your nomination has been accepted to the Microsoft Regional Director program! I am pleased to welcome you back to this worldwide community of technology thought leaders and thank you for being a part of this community. Just over 2 years ago, I first became a Microsoft Regional Director []. This is a role that has meant a great deal to me over that time; it's not one you can sit an e...

Weekly Update 81 (Hawaii Edition)

We're in Hawaii! "We" being Scott Helme and myself and we're here for the Loco Moco Sec conference [] which has been a heap of fun (the location may have played a part in that...) And what a location: Scott joined me for this week's update and we were fresh out of a great talk from the Google Chrome Security PM so have a bit to share there about changes coming to the browser. And then, T-Mobile - whoa! Just read the thread I link to in the references below (get popcorn...