
Weekly Update 147

So "Plan A" was to publish Pwned Passwords V5 on Tuesday but a last-minute check showed control characters had snuck in due to the quality (or lack thereof) of the source data. Scratch that and go to "Plan B" which was to push them out today but a last-minute check showed that my "improved" export script had screwed up the encoding and every single hash was wrong. "Plan C" is now to push them out on the weekend with everything working correctly. Hopefully. If I don't screw anything up again......

Pwned Passwords, Version 5

Almost 2 years ago to the day, I wrote about Passwords Evolved: Authentication Guidance for the Modern Era []. This wasn't so much an original work on my behalf as it was a consolidation of advice from the likes of NIST, the NCSC and Microsoft about how we should be doing authentication today. I love that piece because so much of it flies in the face of traditional thinking about passwords, for example: 1. Do...

Weekly Update 146

After a very non-stop Cyber Week in Israel, I'm back in Oslo working through the endless emails and other logistics related to Project Svalbard []. In my haste this week, I put out a really poorly worded tweet which I've tried to clarify in this week's video. On more positive news, the Austrian government came on board HIBP and my MVP status got renewed for the 9th time. I also wanted to talk this week about some of the st...

Microsoft MVP Award, Year 9

I've become especially reflective of my career this year, especially as Project Svalbard [] marches forward and I look back on what it's taken to get here. Especially as I have more discussions around the various turning points in my professional life, there's one that stands out above most others: my first MVP award. This is not a path I planned, in fact when I originally got that award I referred to myself as The Accid...

Welcoming the Austrian Government to Have I Been Pwned

Early last year, I announced that I was making HIBP data on government domains for the UK and Australia freely accessible to them via searches of their respective TLDs [] . The Spanish government followed a few months later [] with each getting unbridled access to search their own domains via an authent...

Weekly Update 145

Something totally new this week - Israel! I spent the week in Tel Aviv at Cyber Week [], a massive infosec conference where I shared the keynote stage with an amazing array of speakers [] including many from three letter acronym departments and even PM Benjamin Netanyahu. It's funny how on the one hand an event like this can be so completely different to the very familiar NDC Oslo scene I was in just last week yet by the same t...

Weekly Update 144

So first things first - my patience for the Instamics [] we're wearing just reached zero. One of them recorded and one of them didn't which means we've had to fallback to audio captured by the iPhone I was recording from so apologies it's sub-par. I ended up just uploading the unedited clip direct from the phone because frankly, after trying to recover the non-existent audio both my time and patience were well into the red. Be that as it may, there's video, audio and a narr...

Weekly Update 143

Well this was a big one. The simple stuff first - I'm back in Norway running workshops and getting ready for my absolute favourite event of the year, NDC Oslo. I'm also talking about Scott's Hack Yourself First UK Tour where he'll be hitting up Manchester, London and Glasgow with public workshops. Tickets are still available at those and it'll be your last chance for a long time to do that event in the UK. Then there's Project Svalbard. I think it'll come across in the video below, but putting...

Hack Yourself First - The UK Tour by Scott Helme

It's the Hack Yourself First UK Tour! I've been tweeting a bit about this over recent times and had meant to write about it earlier, but I've been a little busy of late []. Last year, I asked good friend and fellow security person Scott Helme to help me out running my Hack Yourself First workshops [] . I was overwhelmed w...

Project Svalbard: The Future of Have I Been Pwned

Back in 2013, I was beginning to get the sense that data breaches were becoming a big thing. The prevalence of them seemed to be really ramping up as was the impact they were having on those of us that found ourselves in them, myself included. Increasingly, I was writing about what I thought was a pretty fascinating segment of the infosec industry; password reuse across Gawker and Twitter resulting in a breach of the former sending Acai berry spam via the latter [