
There is a Serious Lack of Corporate Responsibility During Breach Disclosures

Subject: Data Breach of [your service] Hi, my name is Troy Hunt and I run the ethical data breach notification service known as Have I Been Pwned: People regularly send me data from compromised systems which are being traded amongst individuals who collect breaches. Recently, a collection of data allegedly taken from the [your service] was sent to me and I believe there’s a high likelihood your site was indeed hacked. The data consists of an extensive number of recor...

Everything is Cyber-Broken, The Online Edition!

We're live! Video embedded below: Under normal circumstances, we'd be sitting on a stage, beers in hands and doing our (I think we can use this term now) "world famous" Cyber-broken talk. > It's like Top gear for nerds. @troyhunt [] #NDCLondon [] [] — HarryMiller (@HarryMillerr) January 31, 2019 [

Hack Yourself First Workshops in Australia, Denmark and Portugal (Virtually, of Course)

Of course it's virtual because let's face it, nobody is going anywhere at the moment. Plenty of you aren't even going into an office any more let alone fronting up to a conference with hundreds or even thousands of people. That sucks for you because you end up both missing out on events and sooner or later, suffering from cabin fever (I've always found that difficult across many years of remote work). It also sucks for companies like NDC Conferences [] whose entire liv...

Weekly Update 182

Geez, where do you even begin given how the world has turned just in the last week? I spend a good quarter hour at the start of this video talking about what I'll be doing, namely getting on with business and running a bunch of public workshops remotely in conjunction with Scott Helme. I felt genuinely excited talking about this; they'll be less than half the price of in-person events, no travel, no accommodation costs and we've both run a heap of these remotely in the past too so this is a pret...

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Dodgy WiFi: Introducing Ubiquiti's Dream Machine and FlexHD

I hate dodgy WiFi, hate it with a passion. I finally lost my mind with it a few years ago now so I went and shelled out good money on the full suite of good Ubiquiti gear []. I bought a security gateway to do DHCP, a couple of switches for all my connected things, 5 access points for my wireless things and a Cloud Key to control them all. I went overboard and I don't regret it one bit! Since that time, Ubiquiti h...

Weekly Update 181

This is the big one. It's all HIBP and Project Svalbard top to bottom this week and I've chosen to exclude everything else in its favour. This is just such an essential part of not just the HIBP narrative, but indeed the narrative of my career and what gets me up each day. So here it is, the video insights version to the announcement post from a few days ago. Here's the 11-month journey to HIBP remaining independent: [

Enhancing Pwned Passwords Privacy with Padding

Since launching version 2 of Pwned Passwords with the k-anonymity model [] just over 2 years ago now, the thing has really gone nuts (read that blog post for background otherwise nothing from here on will make much sense). All sorts of organisations are employing the service to keep passwords from previous data breaches from being used again and subsequently, putting their customers at heightened risk. For example, this just a...

Project Svalbard, Have I Been Pwned and its Ongoing Independence

This is going to be a lengthy blog post so let me use this opening paragraph as a summary of where Project Svalbard is at []: Have I Been Pwned is no longer being sold and I will continue running it independently. After 11 months of a very intensive process culminating in many months of exclusivity with a party I believed would ultimately be the purchaser of the service, unexpected changes to their business model made the...

Weekly Update 180

If last week was the week where I felt like I was drowning in data that was still being processed, this week was the week where it came to light. Not all of it, mind you, I've still got ginormous volumes I'm disclosing but it certainly was a whole heap of it. There are some real zingers in there too in terms of how the breaches went down and were handled, have a listen to that and more in this week's update (oh - and hear how happy I am about the way HIBP handled this week's massive traffic spik...

Handling Huge Traffic Spikes with Azure Functions and Cloudflare

Back in 2016, I wrote a blog post about the Martin Lewis Money Show featuring HIBP [] and how it drove an unprecedented spike of traffic to the service, ultimately knocking it offline for a brief period of time. They'd given me a heads up as apparently, that's what the program has a habit of doing: > I Just wanted to get in contact to let you know we're featuring 'have I been pwned?' on the programme next week (Monday 28 Nov...