
Who is Troy Hunt and what’s he doing as an MVP?

How do I keep up with the latest tools and technologies? Who are my 5 favourite MVPs? And most importantly, what do I do when I’m not building software? All these questions and more are answered in my Microsoft Feed MVP Interview [] . I normally keep details about my day job and personal interests off the public timeline but I decided to share a little in this interview....

The 10 commandments of good source control management

Ah source control, if there’s a more essential tool which indiscriminately spans programming languages without favour, I’m yet to see it. It’s an essential component of how so many of us work; the lifeblood of many development teams, if you like. So why do we often get it so wrong? Why are some of the really core, fundamentals of version control systems often so poorly understood? I boil it down to 10 practices – or “commandments” if you like – which often break down or are not properly underst...

Making friends with Red Gate

[] I’ve spent quite a bit of time writing about Red Gate products over the last year, particularly SQL Source Control [] which is simply the best damn way to finally get those pesky databases into VCS. The fact that it now plays nice with first cousins SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare means the dream of VCS sourced automated deployments of data...

Bad passwords are not fun and good entropy is always important: demystifying security fallacies

A couple of different friends sent me over a link to an article about The Usability of Passwords [] this weekend, clearly thinking it would strike a chord. Well, let’s just say I was enthralled before I even finished the second line: > Security companies and IT people constantly tells us that we should use complex and difficult passwords. This is bad advice The crux of the article (and subsequent FAQ), is that so long as a password is s...

The accidental MVP

An unexpected email was waiting for me when I got off the plane from a recent work trip to Thailand on Saturday: > Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2011 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in Developer Security technical communities during the past year. Given this was sent out on April 1st, one could be...

Continuous Web.config security analysis with WCSA and TeamCity

Edit (6 Oct 2020): It looks like the WCSA website has disappeared since originally writing this article and the domain is now parked on a porn site. The Google Code archive still exists so the blog post is still relevant, just be conscious that this project has obviously gone unloved for some time now and make take you to unexpected places. Ah, automation. Any time I find myself doing the same thing more than once, I get the inclination to bundle it all up into something that can begin happenin...

The 3 reasons you’re forced into creating weak passwords

Banks don’t get it. Telcos struggle with it. Airlines haven’t got a clue. That’s right folks, its password time again. Earlier in the year I wrote a little post about the who’s who of bad password practices []. I named, I shamed and I got a resounding chorus of support. The point was made. But it still bugged me. Why were our banks and airlines so consistently forcing us to choose poor passwords? Why do they constrain our...

The only secure password is the one you can’t remember

Let’s assume you log onto a bunch of different websites; Facebook, Gmail, eBay, PayPal probably some banking, maybe a few discussion forums and probably much, much more. Do you always create unique passwords such that you never use the same one twice? Ever? Do your passwords always use different character types such as uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation? Are they “strong”? If you can’t answer “yes” to both these questions, you’ve got yourself a problem. But the thing is,...

My Simple-Talk article on Continuous Integration for SQL Server Databases

I must have struck a chord with the folks at Red Gate recently when I wrote about Automated database releases with TeamCity and Red Gate []. Inadvertently, I managed to get this post out right in the final stages of their work on SQL Source Control 2 which added the ability to version static data. This was pretty opportune timing and caused me to rewrite – and significantly simplify – a fair swathe of the post. Clearly the po...

Continuous delivery panel discussion at ThoughtWorks

So I went along to the ThoughtWorks quarterly update on Continuous Delivery [] today. This took the form of a panel discussion with Martin Fowler [], Evan Bottcher [] and Neal Ford []. Smart guys, interesting topic and tantalising banner ad: The good news is that I didn’t hear anything that sounded too foreign. Either they were principles I’...