
Security, Security, Security! Helping the LIDNUG community build safer software

Today I had the pleasure of spending about an hour and a half talking to Peter Shaw [] from LIDNUG [] about security, security and, uh, security! If the LinkedIn .NET User Group is a little bit new to you, it’s the top LinkedIn group dedicated to .NET with a staggering 47,387 members at the time of writing. This is a casual chat rather than a a full on interview and covers a bunch of the usual stuff I talk about such as the OWASP Top 10. Hope you e...

Embracing guesswork with SQL Prompt partial matches

Who here has become rather dependent on Visual Studio’s intellisense? C’mon, be honest, no matter hard-core you are or how impure you think intellisense is you always end up using it to some degree, even if it’s just for discovering object behaviours. Back when Visual Studio 2010 launched we got some pretty nifty improvements in intellisense which were previously only available by way of third party tools like ReSharper. The improvements included the ability to partially match a string anywhere...

.NET Rocks talks security with Carl, Richard and Troy

Yep, this Troy! Right at the tail end of my Christmas holidays a couple of weeks back I had the pleasure of having a great chat with these guys: In case you’ve been living under a rock (no pun intended), for the last nine and a half years, .NET Rocks is without doubt the foremost .NET themed podcast in the universe. By the time they got to me, there had already been 734 prior episodes (frequently running for an hour or more), so the series has well and truly become ingrained in the psyche of...

Breaking CAPTCHA with automated humans

We’re all familiar with CAPTCHA right? That impenetrable fortress of crazy squiggly characters that only a real human can decipher. Whilst they tend to drive us a bit nuts, they do actually provide a valuable function in that they prevent the automation of requests against online services. For example, you can’t get yourself a Google account [] without first wrapping your head around what on earth this one says:...

Zappos, Stratfor, Sony, Gawker; Got your attention? Good, now start using a password manager!

Another week, another major security incident with a significant website. So the news this time is that Zappos – those guys who sell shoes (among other things) – to folks in the US may have, uh, accidentally disclosed somewhere in the order of 24 million user accounts [] . Bugger. Now of course at the root of this is inevitably yet more evildoers intent on breaking through website security for financial...

ASP.NET session hijacking with Google and ELMAH

I love ELMAH [] – this is one those libraries which is both beautiful in its simplicity yet powerful in what it allows you to do. Combine the power of ELMAH with the convenience of NuGet and you can be up and running with absolutely invaluable error logging and handling in literally a couple of minutes. Yet, as the old adage goes, with great power comes great responsibility and if you’re not responsible with how you implement ELMAH, you’re also only a couple of mi...

Has the hash DoS patch been installed on your site? Check it right now with ASafaWeb!

Back in September last year we saw the emergence of the padding oracle vulnerability [] which suddenly got a whole lot of ASP.NET developers very nervous. The real concern with this vulnerability was that there really wasn’t much you could do at the code level beyond a couple of little tweaks – what was really needed was for patches to get installed on servers and fast. The problem back then was that, well, you couldn’...

5 website security lessons courtesy of Stratfor

Just when you start thinking we’ve seen out the last of the major security breaches for 2011, Christmas day brings us one final whopper for the year: Stratfor []. Much has already been said about why they might have been hacked and who might [] (or might not []) have done it, but the fact remains that there are now tens of thousands of customer passwo...

Free eBook: OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers

This entire series is now available as a Pluralsight course! [] Writing this series [] was an epic adventure in all senses of the word: Duration – 19 months to complete a blog series, for crying out loud! Content – approaching 50,000 words, not including all the discussion in comments. Effort – some of the posts, su...

OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 10: Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

This content is now available in the Pluralsight course "OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks for ASP.NET" [] In the final part of this series we’ll look at the risk of an unvalidated redirect or forward. As this is the last risk in the Top 10, it’s also the lowest risk. Whilst by no means innocuous, the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology [] has determ...