
New Pluralsight Course: Emerging Threats in IoT

It's another Pluralsight course! I actually recorded Emerging Threats in IoT with Lars Klint back in June whilst we were at the NDC conference in Oslo. It's another "Play by Play" course which means it's Lars and I sitting there having a conversation like this:

Troy and Lars

We choose to talk about IoT because frankly, it's fascinating. There's just so many angles to security in otherwise everyday devices, for example:

  1. The collection of never-before digitised data (adult toys are a perfect example)
  2. Vulnerabilities in the cloud services behind IoT (they're just websites, after all)
  3. Risks in the devices themselves that expose data (such as Bluetooth PINs)
  4. Risks which expose the network (LIFX leaked the wifi password)
  5. Risks which result in control of features within an IoT device

And that's far from an exhaustive list too. That last point is especially close to my heart after the Nissan LEAF incident last year. In fact, there's a few large IoT stories I've been involved in over the years including CloudPets earlier this year, the VTech debacle with data sourced from kid's devices and going back a few years now, the Westfield carpark tracking vulnerability. And of course, they're just a tiny snippet of the broader set of things we're seeing go wrong with IoT.

These Play by Play courses are easy watching. They're casual, they don't go deep and this one came in at just under an hour. They're designed to help raise awareness on a topic and I hope you enjoy watching this one.

Play by Play: Emerging Threats in IoT is now live on Pluralsight!

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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals