
From Dreams to Reality: The Magic of 3D Printing, with Elle Hunt

I was in my mid-30s before I felt comfortable standing up in front of an audience and talking about technology. Come to think of it, "comfortable" isn't really the right word, as, frankly, it was nerve-racking. This, with my obvious bias as her father, makes it all the more remarkable that Elle was able to do it at NDC Oslo when she was just 11 years old. That she was able to do that and teach a room full of hundreds of technology professionals things they almost certainly hadn't seen before makes it all the more remarkable, and I'm very happy to now share the full video from that event in June with you all:

If you watch nothing else in this video, fast forward through to the 55-minute mark and watch Elle with our 3D printed catapult launching projectiles generated from a Chat GPT prompt into the audience during the Q&A. That kid is having the time of her life 😊

3D Printing
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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals