Strange times, these. But equally, a time to focus on new things and indeed a time to pursue experiences we might not have done otherwise. As Ari now spends his days learning from home, I wanted to really start focusing more on his coding not just for his own benefit, but for all the other kids out there who are in the same home-bound predicament he now finds himself in. So, this week we're going to do an hour of coding each morning and live stream it via YouTube. We'll take questions during the sessions and if you have anything you'd really like to see us cover, leave a comment below and we'll do our best to roll it into a later session. Every session is recorded and available immediately after, starting with day 1 below (I'll add the others days after each one commences).
We'll aim to run these at 07:30 local Gold Coast time which is 21:30 in London and 14:30 on the US West Coast.
Day 1:
Absolute entry-level stuff even kindergarten kids can get involved in through to basic concepts like loops and events. This is all based on free material at