
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

We Didn't Encrypt Your Password, We Hashed It. Here's What That Means:

You've possibly just found out you're in a data breach. The organisation involved may have contacted you and advised your password was exposed but fortunately, they encrypted it. But you should change it anyway. Huh? Isn't the whole point of encryption that it protects data when exposed to unintended parties? Ah, yes, but it wasn't encrypted it was hashed and therein lies a key difference: > Saying that passwords are “encrypted” over and over again doesn’t make it so. They’re bcrypt hashes so g...

Weekly Update 206

Since I recorded this morning, I've had an absolute breakthrough - I CAN OPEN MY GARAGE DOOR WITH MY WATCH []! I know, I know, it shouldn't be this hard and that's a lot of the point I'm making in this week's video. Having said that, some parts have been hard because I've made simple mistakes [], but the nature of the IoT ecosystem as it stands today predisposes you to mistakes because t...

Weekly Update 205

Between still feeling a little groggy after hitting the water hard on an early wake boarding session then my camera overheating and shutting down towards the end of the live stream, this wasn't the smoothest of weekly updates, I still got across everything I needed to. I'm especially excited about those Shelly 1 units for cheaply IoT'ing existing lights and I'm hoping to have some of that up and running next week. Until then, here's episode 205: [

Weekly Update 204

It's an extra early one this week and on review, I do look a bit... dishevelled! I run through a whole bunch of things from this week's Twitter timeline and there's some great audience questions this week too so thanks very much everyone for the engagement. Next we'll do it at the other end of the day again and I'm sure there'll be a heap of new stuff to cover before then. [] [

Weekly Update 203

What. A. Week. I've been absolutely non-stop publishing data breaches to HIBP whilst simultaneously putting in place the framework to start advising NordVPN on their cybers and open sourcing the HIBP code base at the same time (and a bunch of other more boring stuff that didn't make the cut). That's all explained in this week's update so I won't drill further into it here, there's obviously a couple of big announcements so if you have any questions, drop them in the comments below and I'll eithe...

I'm Open Sourcing the Have I Been Pwned Code Base

Let me just cut straight to it: I'm going to open source the Have I Been Pwned code base. The decision has been a while coming and it took a failed M&A process to get here, but the code will be turned over to the public for the betterment of the project and frankly, for the betterment of everyone who uses it. Let me explain why and how. HIBP is a Community Project I've been giving a great deal of thought to how I want this project to evolve lately, especially in the wake of the M&A process that...

I'm Partnering with NordVPN as a Strategic Advisor

I love security. I love privacy. Consequently, it will come as no surprise that I love tools that help people achieve those objectives. Equally, I have no patience for false promises, and I've been very vocal about my feelings there: > But one of them is literally called “Secure VPN”, how is this possible?! “Are You Using These VPN Apps? Personal Info Of 20 Million Users Leaked: That’s 1.2TB Data” — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) July 20, 2020 [

Weekly Update 202

Unfortunately, our run of good luck here down in Aus has taken a bit of a turn COVID wise. Not so much in my home state, but the southern states have been copping it so this week, I pulled the pin on snowboarding. For folks overseas, that might sound like it would have been a risky proposition anyway, but only two and a half weeks ago the entire state of New South Wales had 5 active cases [] out of 8.1M people. Today it's 209. It's neighbouri...

Weekly Update 201

I love this setup! A huge amount of research went into this but the PC, screens, cameras lights and all the other bits are working really well together. I did my first interview with this setup today and I think I'm actually going to be sticking with the mood lighting for most on-video events now: > Fun @InfosecWhiskey [] interview this morning. I’m running with this lighting setup, just a couple of Hue Go lights and the screens, a beautifu...

Building the Ultimate Home Office (Again)

I was searching around for a quote along the lines of you only being as good as the tools you use and somehow, I ended up down this rabbit hole of painters quotes and carpenters quotes and stuff about artists and their brushes. Then I started thinking it sounds a bit obnoxious anyway so maybe it wasn't really that relevant (yet somehow, here we are...) until eventually, I thought "stuff it, let's just write about the computer bits". So here we are. More than a decade ago, I wrote about building...