Troy Hunt
Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals
Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals
As I progressively make my house smarter and smarter [] , I find I keep butting against the intersection of where smart stuff meets dumb stuff. Take light globes, for example, the simplest circuit you can imagine. Pass a current through it, light goes on. Kill the current, light goes off. We worked that out back in the 19th century and everything was fine... until now. Here's what I kept seeing with my "smar...
This week has seen a lot of my time go on an all-new project. One I'm really excited about and is completely different to everything I've done before; I expect I'll be able to talk about that in the coming weeks and it shouldn't be too much longer before it's something you can actually see firsthand. Stay tuned on that one 🙂 In the meantime, I'm throwing a heap more IP addresses into the house and building out my Prusa 3D printer at the same time which I'm really enjoying. More on that hopeful...
This week's update comes to you amongst the noisy backdrop of the garden being literally chopped up by high pressure hose (which I think my beautiful Rhode Broadcaster mic successfully excluded). As I say in the intro, it appears the horticulture industry is a little like the software one where you get cowboys who in this case, put in plants that were way too big and whose roots now threaten to break through the tiles and the house itself, Little Shop of Horrors style. But I digress; this week's...
For about the last decade, a huge proportion of my interactions with people has been remote and across different cultures and time zones. Initially this was in my previous life at Pfizer [] due to the regional nature of my role and over the last six years, it's been as an independent either talking to people remotely or travelling to different places. Since I began dropping content into this post, pretty much everyone now finds them...
Well, it kinda feels like we're back to the new normal that is 2021. I'm home, the kids are back at school and we're all still getting breached. We're breached so much that even when we're not breached but someone says we're breached, it genuinely looks like we're breached. Ok, that's a bit wordy but the Exodus thing earlier today was frustrating, not because a screen cap of an alleged breach notice was indistinguishable from a phish, but because of the way some people chose to react when I sha...
I had this idea out of nowhere the other day that I should have a visual display somewhere in my office showing how many active Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) subscribers I presently have. Why? I'm not sure exactly, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Perhaps in this era of remoteness I just wanted something a little more... present. More tangible than occasionally running a SQL query. Or maybe I just wanted to geek out a little on some tech 😎 So I bought a LaMetric [
I'm back into a normal home routine and it's business as usual again. You know, stuff like data breaches, new tech toys and having your genitalia locked in an vulnerable IoT device and held for ransom. Just normal stuff like that 😳 [] [
A little bit of a change of pace this week with the video being solely on the events unfolding around removing content, people and even entire platforms from the internet. These are significant events in history, regardless of your political persuasion, and they're likely to have a very long-lasting impact on the way we communicate online. It also raises some fascinating engineering challenges; could Parler have survived by building out their own physical infrastructure? Will Gab survive having...
And we're finally home. After 8,441km of driving finished off by a comfy flight home whilst the car catches a ride on a carrier, we're done. I talk about why we didn't finish the drive in the latter part of this week's video (basically boiled down to border uncertainties due to COVID outbreaks), but we still did all the big things we'd hoped for on this holiday. And now that we're firmly home again, it's back to business as usual with more breaches, more IoT and despite it being an all-new year,...
It's a new year! With lots of breaches to discuss already ☹ Ok, so these may not be 2021 breaches but I betcha that by next week's update there'll be brand new ones from the new year to discuss. I managed to get enough connectivity in the middle of the Australian outback in front of Uluru to do the live stream this week, plus talk a bunch more about what we've been doing on our epic Australian journey. It looks like I'll be back home for next week's update after needing to cut things a little sh...