
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

Welcoming the Luxemburg Government CERT to Have I Been Pwned

Continuing my efforts to make more breach data available to governments after data breaches impact their domains, I'm very happy to welcome Luxemburg aboard Have I Been Pwned. More specifically, the CERT of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg ( []) now has free API level access to query their national government domains. This now brings the government count to 14 and I look forward to welcoming more national CERTs in the future....

Data From The Emotet Malware is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and NHTCU

Earlier this year, the FBI in partnership with the Dutch National High Technical Crimes Unit (NHTCU), German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and other international law enforcement agencies brought down what Europol rereferred to as the world's most dangerous malware: Emotet [] . This strain of malware dates back as far as 2014 and it became a gateway into infected machin...

Weekly Update 240

Lots of bit and pieces this week, most of which is self-explanatory based on the references below. One thing to add though is the outcome of the ClearVoice Surveys breach I live-tweeted during the stream: someone from there did indeed get in touch with me. We spoke on the phone, they confirmed the legitimacy of the breach and acknowledged they'd seen it posted to a hacking forum where it's now spreading broadly. They're working on their disclosure but as I said to them on the call, the fact it's...

Weekly Update 239

Geez I'm glad the Facebook stuff was the week before this one! With that (mostly) out of the way, we headed off to Thredbo for a couple of days of mountain biking, hitting trails I've only ever snowboarded down before (yes, we get snow in Australia). Back to normality (I think we can start calling it that now), Rob and I did our book editing session, the Facebook scraping incident (let's stop calling it a "data breach") continued to consume time and in a case of very fortuitous timing, they're c...

Data Breaches, Class Actions and Ambulance Chasing

This post has been brewing for a while, but the catalyst finally came after someone (I'll refer to him as Jimmy) recently emailed me regarding the LOQBOX data breach from 2020 []. Their message began as follows: > I am currently in the process of claiming compensation for a severe data breach which occurred on the 20th February 2020 Now I'll be honest - I had to Google this one. There are so many data breaches today tha...

Weekly Update 238

"What a shit week". I stand by that statement in the opening couple of minutes of the video and I write this now at midday on Saturday after literally falling asleep on the couch. The Facebook incident just dominated; everything from processing data to writing code to dozens of media interviews. And I ran a workshop over 4 half days. And had 2 lots of guests visiting. And had to deal with all sorts of other unpleasant stuff outside of that. Damn that beer tasted good... [

Welcoming the Ukrainian Government to Have I Been Pwned

Another month, another national government to bring onto Have I Been Pwned. This time it's the Ukrainian National Cybersecurity Coordination Center [] who now has access to monitor all their government domains via API domain search, free of charge. Ukraine is now the 13th government to be onboarded to HIBP's service joining counterparts across Europe, North America and Australia....

I’m Writing a Book with Rob Conery, and It’s Gonna Be Awesome

I've been chatting about this in some of my recent weekly videos and I thought it was finally time to sit down and write the blog post. So, this is a blog post about a book about blog posts. Gotcha, makes sense. It all began when Rob Conery [] reached out a few years ago and said "dude, we should totally turn a bunch of your blog posts into a book" to which I replied, "why?" I mean they're all up on my blog anyway, why on earth would anyone want to read them just stuffed i...

The Facebook Phone Numbers Are Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned

The headline is pretty self-explanatory so in the interest of time, let me just jump directly into the details of how this all works. There's been huge interest in this incident, and I've seen near-unprecedented traffic to Have I Been Pwned [] (HIBP) over the last couple of days, let me do my best to explain how I've approached the phone number search feature. Or if you're impatient, you can head over to HIBP right now and search for your nu...

Weekly Update 237

As soon as I started watching this video back, I remembered why I don't do daylight mode in these any more. It's just so... boring. That said, I've got a bunch of stuff in the pipeline to enhance the room design and lighting as I think there's still plenty of room for improvement, stay tuned for that one. For now though, a lot of this week's video is about the Ubiquiti situation and I'm very candid about my feelings on that one. I'm also very happy about what I've done with Coinhive, so enjoy l...