
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

You Don't Need to Burn off Your Fingertips (and Other Biometric Authentication Myths)

111 years ago almost to the day, a murder was committed which ultimately led to the first criminal trial to use fingerprints as evidence [] . We've all since watched enough crime shows to understand that fingerprints are unique personal biometric attributes and to date, no two people have ever been found to have a matching set [

Welcoming the Czech Republic Government to Have I Been Pwned

For the last few years, I've been welcoming national governments to Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) and granting them full and free access to domain-level searches via a dedicated API. Today, I'm very happy to welcome the Czech Republic's National Cyber and Information Security Agency who can now query their government domains along with the 26 other nations that have come before them. Data breaches impact all of us in one way or another, and government agencies are no exception. My hope is that in su...

Weekly Update 259

I'm  back from the most epic of holidays! How epic? Just have a scroll through the thread: > I’m back! Went offline for most of the last week, pics and stories to follow 🐊 [] — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) September 2, 2021 [] Which the Twitter client on my iPad somehow decided to break into 2 threads: > At times this felt like navigating through a scene from Jurassic Park,...

Weekly Update 258

A really brief intro as this is my last key strokes before going properly off the grid for the next week (like really off the grid, middle of nowhere style). Lots of little things this week, hoping next week will be the big "hey, Pwned Passwords just passed 1 billion", stay tuned for that one 😊 [] [

Weekly Update 257

It all feels a bit "business as usual" this week; data breaches, IoT and 3D printing. But what I'm most excited about is what I probably spent the least amount of time talking about, that being the work 1Password and I have been doing on our "Hello CISO" series. I love it because it's broadly relevant, easily consumable and totally, properly free. Feedback so far has been awesome, I hope you enjoy it too 🙂 [] [ht...

Hello CISO - Brought to You in Collaboration with 1Password

Today I'm really excited to announce a big piece of work 1Password and I have been focusing on this year, a totally free video series called "Hello CISO". This is a multi-part series that launched with part 1 and when I say "free", I don't mean "give us your personal data so we can market to you", I mean here it is, properly free: This is intended to be a very practical, broadly accessible series and whilst it has "CISO" in the title, we expect it'll be relevant well beyond the pointy end of th...

Weekly Update 256

Well this week went on for a bit, an hour and 6 mins in all. The 2 Apple things were particularly interesting due to the way in which both catching CSAM baddies and catching baddies who steal your things involves using technology that can be abused. Is it good tech because it can do good things? Bad tech because it can do bad things? Or is tech just morally neutral and we need to look at it more holistically? I argue the latter, but also acknowledge the views of both camps at either end of the a...

Why No HTTPS? The 2021 Version

More than 3 years ago now, Scott Helme [] and I launched a little project called Why No HTTPS? [] It listed the world's largest websites that didn't properly redirect insecure requests to secure ones. We updated it December before last [] and pleasingly, noted that more websites than ever were doing the right thing and for...

Welcoming the Turkish Government to Have I Been Pwned

Today I'm very happy to welcome the national Turkish CERT to Have I Been Pwned, TR-CERT or USOM, the National Cyber ​​Incident Response Center. They are now the 26th government to have complete and free API level access to query their government domains. Providing governments with greater visibility into the impact of data breaches on their staff helps protect against all manner of online attacks. I'm looking forward to welcoming more national governments onto HIBP in the future....

Weekly Update 255

I'm back in the office this week and back to decent audio and video quality. There's loads of bits and pieces happening as evidence by almost an entire hour disappearing in this week's vid, ranging from problems with tradies (tradespeople), more lockdown, stats on some projects and then this week's blog post, 3D printing with my 9-year old daughter Elle. Enjoy 😊 [] [