Troy Hunt
Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals
Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals
As I start out by saying this week's video, it's very summer here and not a day goes by without multiple pool visits. Next week's video is going to be from somewhere epically amazing out of this world that I've wanted to go to for a long time now so stay tuned for that one as I go mobile again. Somehow, today's video stretched out beyond an hour with what felt like a list of pretty minor discussion points, but plenty of good questions and commentary along the way. I hope you enjoy these more con...
A decade and a bit ago during my tenure at Pfizer, a colleague's laptop containing information about customers, healthcare providers and other vendors was stolen from their car [] . The machine had full disk encryption and it's not known whether the thief was ever actually able to access the data. It's not clear if the car was locked or not. Is this a data breach? Some years later, an outsourcing provider of the Aus...
Geez, I'm a bit orange today! I think mucking around with the (excepti0nally cool!) moon lamp towards the beginning of this video threw the colours off a bit. In the past, I'd turn on the auto white balance lock and things would stay steady, but since I put up the Elgato key lamps and the colour has been so steady, I've kind of just let it go. Lesson learned. Plenty of other good things this week though, next week I'll aim to live stream this at the beginning of the day and catch audiences on th...
I was having a coffee with a good mate the other day. He's not a techie (he runs a pizza restaurant), but somehow, we ended up talking about passwords. Because he's a normal person, he has the same 1 or 2 or 3 he uses everywhere and even without telling me what they were, I knew they were terrible. Actually, I'll rephrase that: because he was a normal guy; he's not normal anymore because yesterday I carved out some time to give him an early Christmas present: > Today I spent an hour getting a m...
Check out that lighting! The Elgato Key Lights have made a massive difference and they're easily controlled via their Stream Deck or the Home Assistant integration. I'm just super, super happy with these and after posting this video, I've fixed them directly to the wall using their Multi Mount System so it's now clean desk and clean line of sight between that and the screens. More tweaking to be done and more work to be done on the office, but it's all coming together very nicely now 😎 [https:...
It's been a busy week with lots of little bits and pieces demanding my attention. Coding, IoT'ing, 3D printing and a milestone academic event for Ari: > Primary school - done! [] — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 24, 2021 [] No major things in this weeks update, but plenty of things on all the above topics and more. Next week we're taking a short holiday then I'll be back...
I'm outdoors! I've really wanted to get my mobile recording setup slick for some time now and after a bunch of mucking around with various mics (and a bit of "debugging in production" during this video), I'm finally really happy with it. I've just watched this back and other than mucking around with the gain in the first part of the video, I reckon it's great. The one thing I'll change in the future (and I don't know when I'll next do this outdoors, TBH) is to plug the RØDE lapel mic into the wi...
Like most of my good ideas, this one came completely by accident. The other day I was packaging up some swag to send to the winner of my impromptu best "Anonymous" meme competition [] and I decided to share the following tweet: > Time to ramp up the 3D @haveibeenpwned [] printing too, been giving away a heap of these! [] — Troy Hunt (@tr...
Where does the time go? The video is an hour and 35 mins today, I suspect in part because I've done it on a Saturday morning with a bit more time to spare and, well, there was just a lot of stuff happening. I did make up for working on a Saturday by then heading straight down to the beach and it was perfect! > Everything here is perfect 😎 🌴 🐋 — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 12, 2021 [] The wa...
When someone passed me hundreds of thousands of records on kids taken from CloudPets a few years ago [] , I had a nightmare of a time getting in touch with the company. They'd left a MongoDB instance exposed to the public without a password and someone had snagged all their data. Within the data were references that granted access to voice recordings made by children, stored in an...