
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

Weekly Update 270

I'm outdoors! I've really wanted to get my mobile recording setup slick for some time now and after a bunch of mucking around with various mics (and a bit of "debugging in production" during this video), I'm finally really happy with it. I've just watched this back and other than mucking around with the gain in the first part of the video, I reckon it's great. The one thing I'll change in the future (and I don't know when I'll next do this outdoors, TBH) is to plug the RØDE lapel mic into the wi...

Merry #pwnedmas!

Like most of my good ideas, this one came completely by accident. The other day I was packaging up some swag to send to the winner of my impromptu best "Anonymous" meme competition [] and I decided to share the following tweet: > Time to ramp up the 3D @haveibeenpwned [] printing too, been giving away a heap of these! [] — Troy Hunt (@tr...

Weekly Update 269

Where does the time go? The video is an hour and 35 mins today, I suspect in part because I've done it on a Saturday morning with a bit more time to spare and, well, there was just a lot of stuff happening. I did make up for working on a Saturday by then heading straight down to the beach and it was perfect! > Everything here is perfect 😎 🌴 🐋 — Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 12, 2021 [] The wa...

Beg Bounties

When someone passed me hundreds of thousands of records on kids taken from CloudPets a few years ago [] , I had a nightmare of a time getting in touch with the company. They'd left a MongoDB instance exposed to the public without a password and someone had snagged all their data. Within the data were references that granted access to voice recordings made by children, stored in an...

Weekly Update 268

Where does the time go? Feels like not a lot happening then three quarters of an hour later... But there are so many cool, interesting angles to this industry that there's always something or other happening. This week, it's new (still broken) tech courtesy of RØDE, the old Coinhive site still not dying, a super nasty data breach in Israel and Pwned Passwords absolutely powering along in both volume and the open source initiative with the FBI. Enjoy 😊 [

Weekly Update 267

Now this office is starting to look good! New wallpaper is in and brackets for the shelf are ready, just waiting for it to be made and fitted now. Oh - I mentioned a sound absorbing material that'll go up the wall in front of me and the ceiling - here's what'll it'll look like: > During yesterday's weekly update vid I mentioned some sound absorbing material was going into my office. This is what it'll look like on the wall in front of me and ceiling. I reckon it looks pretty awesome 😎 pic.twit...

Weekly Update 266

Well this is a totally different office view! I'm properly getting into working more on the acoustics and aesthetics to make this the most productive environment possible which means this week things are in a bit of disarray due to ongoing works. Speaking of disarray, I've not been able to raise this week's sponsor in time so as I say in the video, their appearance on my blog this week is a bit... unusual. But hey, all that aside I'm really happy to have the preview of my long-awaited book out t...

Pwned - The Collected Blog Posts of Troy Hunt (Preview)

We chose this photo for the cover because this was when it all started. 18-year old Troy, having just discovered the web in early 1995 and chomping at the bit to do something with it. The full tale of what I first did (and how disastrous it ultimately became), is up front early in the book so I won't relay it here, but it's quite the story. The book title - Pwned - also seemed like a natural fit. Somehow, that funny name from gamer culture (that I only picked because it was easy to get the doma...

Weekly Update 265

I had a bunch of false starts with this one. I don't know if it was just OBS or something else, but we got there after several failed attempts and me resorting to reading Gov Parson's nutty tweets until it all started working. "Nutty" is a bit of a theme this week not just with the Gov, but particularly Thingiverse's extraordinarily poor handling of their data breach. Just watch (or listen), because it's pretty crazy stuff and it's still unfolding now 🍿 [

Weekly Update 264

A lot of cyber things this week: loads of data breach (or "scrape", In LinkedIn's case) incidents, Windows 11 upgrade experiences and then bricking my house courtesy of a Home Assistant update that fundamentally changed the Tuya integration. So pretty much "same, same but different" to every other week 🙂 [] [