
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

I Wanna Go Fast: How Many Pwned Password Queries Can You Make Per Second?

I feel the need, the need for speed. Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death. If you're in control, you're not going fast enough. And so on and so forth. There's a time and a place for going fast, and there's no better place to do that than when querying Have I Been Pwned's Pwned Passwords service. (Ok, a lot less glamorous than the context of the previous statements, but also less likely to have a catastrophic outcome.) In December last year, Pwned Passwords sa...

Weekly Update 283

A super quick intro this week as I take a bit of time out before a hectic week. It's hotel room quality audio this week, but that's a temporary state before I'm back home next week. I hope you entry week 283, so much FUD to debunk on website identity verification... [] [

Welcoming the New Zealand Government to Have I Been Pwned

Continuing the march forward to provide governments with better access to their departments' data exposed in breaches [] , I'm very pleased to welcome the 28th national government onto Have I Been Pwned - New Zealand! They'll join the other govs around the world that have complete free access to breach information impacting their gov domains and TLDs. You'll see more national gov...

How Everything We're Told About Website Identity Assurance is Wrong

I have a vehement dislike for misleading advertising. We see it every day; weight loss pills, make money fast schemes and if you travel in the same circles I do, claims that extended validation (EV) certificates actually do something useful: > Why are you still claiming this @digicert []? This is extremely misleading, anyone feel like reporting this to the relevant advertising standards authority in their jurisdiction? pic...

Weekly Update 282

Just listening back to this now, I'm really happy with the Focusrite Scarlett Solo DAC [] that has replaced the old setup. Super simple, one of the cheapest of all the options and just works! Good times. The other thing of note as I put this video into a blog post is that I definitely want to carve out time to write up that DigiCert blog post I discussed. It's just such a nonsensical piece that's so easily debunked yet still has a ve...

Weekly Update 281

I feel like perfect audio remains an unsolved problem for me. Somehow, a low "hiss" has slipped in over the last couple of weeks and messing around trying to solve it before recording this video only served to leave me without any audio at all on the first attempt, and the status quo remaining on the second attempt. And I still can't use my Apollo Twin DAC as an input device almost a year on from when I bought it []. Perhaps, that's where th...

Weekly Update 280

Well, true to my opening dialogue, this was a monotopical weekly update (and yeah, apparently that's a word []). The Azure bill story got a huge amount of traction this week and there are many interesting angles to it that I didn't fully cover in the original blog post. And incidentally, yep, there's a little background hiss on this video. Wasn't there last week and I've got no idea what changed, I'll take a peek at what's going on befo...

How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs

I have been, and still remain, a massive proponent of "the cloud". I built Have I Been Pwned [] (HIBP) as a cloud-first service that took advantage of modern cloud paradigms such as Azure Table Storage to massively drive down costs at crazy levels of performance I never could have achieved before. I wrote many blog posts about doing big things for small dollars [

Weekly Update 279

It's mostly breaches this week and that's mostly business as usual, except for one. I didn't know whether I should speak about the one that frankly, upset me, but I felt it would be somewhat disingenuous not to. I couldn't on the one hand build out this "brand", for want of a better term, of transparency and then just shelve a breach and not talk about it because it's too uncomfortable. So, here it is, and hopefully that's the last I'll think about it for a very long time. [

Weekly Update 278

I recorded this a week after Charlotte appeared with me, fresh out of isolation with a negative COVID test. However... 9 year old Elle had tested positive on Monday (albeit entirely asymptomatic, so no idea how long she'd been positive) but hey, hopefully she'd be clear today. Yeah, nah and to top it off, 12 year old Ari was positive. Also entirely asymptomatic (and double-vaxed) so instead of ending today with our freedom, we're ending day 15 of our ongoing isolation in, well, more ongoing isol...