
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

Downloading Pwned Passwords Hashes with the HIBP Downloader

Just before Christmas, the promise to launch a fully open source Pwned Passwords fed with a firehose of fresh data from the FBI and NCA finally came true [] . We pushed out the code, published the blog post, dusted ourselves off and that was that. Kind of - there was just one thing remaining... The k-anonymity API is lovely and that's not just me saying that, that's people voting with their...

Weekly Update 295

A short one this week as the previous 7 days disappeared with AusCERT and other commitments. Geez it was nice to not only be back at an event, but out there socialising and attending all the related things that tend to go along with it. I'll leave you with this tweet which was a bit of a highlight for me, having Ari alongside me at the event and watching his enthusiasm being part of the industry I love 😊 > At #AusCERT [] with Ari...

Weekly Update 294

It's back to business as usual with more data breaches, more poor handling of them and more IoT pain. I think on all those fronts there's a part of me that just likes the challenge and the opportunity to fix a broken thing. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for punishment, I don't know, but either way it's kept me entertained and given me plenty of new material for this week's video 😊 [] [

Weekly Update 293

Didn't get a lot done this week, unless you count scuba diving, snorkelling, spear fishing and laying around on tropical sand cays 😎 This week is predominantly about the time we just spent up on the Great Barrier Reef which has very little relevance to infosec, IoT, 3D printing and the other usual topics. But as I refer to in the guitar lessons blog post referenced below, I share what I do pretty transparently and organically and this week, that's what I want to talk about. So, either enjoy it...

Weekly Update 292

Well that was an unusual ending. Both my mouse and keyboard decided to drop off right at the end of this week's video and without any control whatsoever, there was no way to end the live stream! Wired devices from kids borrowed, I eventually got back control and later discovered that all things Bluetooth had suddenly decided to die without any warning whatsoever. I certainly wasn't updating drivers mid-live stream or anything like that so... 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, other than that it's business as usual...

Breach Disclosure Blow-by-Blow: Here's Why It's so Hard

For many years now, I've lamented about how much of my time is spent attempting to disclose data breaches to impacted companies. It's by far the single most time-consuming activity in processing breaches for Have I Been Pwned [] (HIBP) and frankly, it's about the most thankless task I can imagine. Finding contact details is hard. Getting responses is hard. Not having an organisation just automatically assume you're trying to shake them down for cash is hard. So hard, i...

Weekly Update 291

Bit of a long one this week, just due to a bunch of stuff all coinciding at the same time. The drone is obviously the coolest one and it was interesting to hear other people's experiences with theirs. This is just super cool tech and I can't remember the last time I looked at a consumer product and thought "wow, I didn't know they could do that!" Check that out and a whole heap more in this week's video below 👇 []...

Welcoming the North Macedonian Government to Have I Been Pwned

In my ongoing bid to make more useful information on data breaches available to impacted national governments [] , today I'm very happy to welcome the 32nd national CERT to Have I Been Pwned, the Republic of North Macedonia! They now join their counterparts across the globe in having free API-level access to monitor and query their government domains. I look forward to welcoming...

Weekly Update 290

I hope scheduling these in advance is working well for everyone, the analytics certainly suggest a much higher viewership so I'm going to keep scheduling these and refining the whole thing further. Other than that, it's same-same this week with the usual array of breaches, tech and life down under. Enjoy 😊 [] [

Welcoming the Serbian Government to Have I Been Pwned

Supporting national governments has been a major cornerstone of Have I Been Pwned for the last 4 years [] . Today, I'm very happy to welcome the 31st government on board, Serbia! The National CERT and the Gov-CERT of the Republic of Serbia now has free and complete access to query their government domains via API. Visibility into the exposure of government departments in data bre...