
Troy Hunt

Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, run "Have I Been Pwned" and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals

Weekly Update 421

It wasn't easy talking about the Muah.AI data breach. It's not just the rampant child sexual abuse material throughout the system (or at least requests for the AI to generate images of it), it's the reactions of people to it. The tweets justifying it on the basis of there being noo "actual" abuse, the characterisation of this being akin to "merely thoughts in someone's head", and following my recording of this video, the backlash from their users about any attempts to curb creating sexual image...

Weekly Update 420

Ok, the scenery here is amazing, but the real story is data breach victim notification. Charlotte and I wanted to do this one together today and chat about some of the things we'd been hearing from government and law enforcement on our travels, and the victim notification angle featured heavily. She reminded me of the trouble even the police have when reaching out to organisations about security issues, often being confronted by lawyers or other company representatives worried about legal repris...

Weekly Update 419

It's not a green screen! It's just a weird a weird hotel room in Pittsburgh, but it did make for a cool backdrop for this week's video. We were there visiting our FBI friends after coming from Washington DC and a visit to CISA, the "America's Cyber Defence Agency". This week, I'm talking about those visits, some really cool new Cloudflare features, and our ongoing effort to push more and more of HIBP's data to Cloudflare's edges. Enjoy! References 1. Sponsored by: Lithnet Access Manager....

The Data Breach Disclosure Conundrum

The conundrum I refer to in the title of this post is the one faced by a breached organisation: disclose or suppress? And let me be even more specific: should they disclose to impacted individuals, or simply never let them know? I'm writing this after many recent such discussions with breached organisations where I've found myself wishing I had this blog post to point them to, so, here it is. Let's start with tackling what is often a fundamental misunderstanding about disclosure obligations, an...

Weekly Update 418

Just watching back through bits of this week's video, the thing that's really getting at me is the same thing I've come back to in so many past videos: lack of organisational disclosure after a breach. Lack of disclosure to impacted customers, lack of disclosure to the public, and a general apathy towards the transparency with which we expect organisations to behave post-breach. This is a topic I'm increasingly pushing in front of governments and law enforcement agencies, and it'll be front of m...

From Dreams to Reality: The Magic of 3D Printing, with Elle Hunt

I was in my mid-30s before I felt comfortable standing up in front of an audience and talking about technology. Come to think of it, "comfortable" isn't really the right word, as, frankly, it was nerve-racking. This, with my obvious bias as her father, makes it all the more remarkable that Elle was able to do it at NDC Oslo when she was just 11 years old. That she was able to do that and teach a room full of hundreds of technology professionals things they almost certainly hadn't seen before mak...

Weekly Update 417

Today was all about this whole idea of how we index and track data breaches. Not as HIBP, but rather as an industry; we simply don't have a canonical reference of breaches and their associated attributes. When they happened, how many people were impacted, any press on the incident, the official disclosure messaging and so on and so forth. As someone in the video today said, "what about the Airtel data breach?" Yeah, whatever happened to that?! A quick Google reminds me that this was a few months...

Weekly Update 416

It's been a while since I've just gone all "AMA" on a weekly update, but this was just one of those weeks that flew by with my head mostly in the code and not doing much else. There's a bit of discussion about that this week, but it's mostly around the ongoing pain of resellers and all the various issues supporting them then creates as a result. I think we just need to get on with writing the code to automate everything they do so I just don't need to think about them any more 😭 Reference...

Weekly Update 415

I still find the reactions to the Telegram situation with Durov's arrest odd. There are no doubt all sorts of politics surrounding it, but even putting all that aside for a moment, the assertion that a platform provider should not be held accountable for moderating content on the platform is just nuts. As I say in this week's video, there's lots of content that you can put in the "grey" bucket (free speech versus hate speech, for example) and there are valid arguments to be had there. But there'...

The North American Have I Been Pwned Tour

It was 2019 that I was last in North America, spending time in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Vegas, Denver, Minnesota, New York and Seattle. The year before, it was Montreal and Vancouver and since then, well, things got a bit weird for a while. It's a shame it's been this long because North America is such an important part of the world for so many of the things we (including Charlotte in this too) do; it's the lion's share of the audience for my content, the companies whose services we rely on,...