
Web Directions South Presentation: Hack Yourself First

Last month I had a great couple of days at Web Directions South in Sydney. Great on the first day because I got to kick back and watch messages like this popping up on the Twitters:

Have had to turn off WiFi as I'm getting auto connected to networks which don't work and I can't 'forget' in settings. #wds13

And then great on the second day because I got to talk to everyone about what it means to your app security to have your wifi hijacked. The video of that talk has just gone up on YouTube and IMHO, it’s come up rather well:

I also wrote in more detail about how I used the Pineapple at Web Directions and what data I picked up in On getting Pineappled at Web Directions South.

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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals